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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京英語培訓資訊 > 北京托福培訓資訊 > 總算明了托福常用的詞匯有哪些


日期:2019-11-08 23:43:14     瀏覽:224    來源:天才領路者

托福詞匯對托福備考有著重要的作用。不僅是托??荚?,在其它英語學習中,詞匯基礎也是非常重要的。因此積累詞匯是復習的中的重要部分。那么托福常用的詞匯有哪些呢?一起來看看! ?


托福常用的詞匯 ?

一、媒體 ?

paparazzi 狗仔隊 ?

mass media 大眾媒體 ?

entertainment 娛樂 ?

journalism 新聞業(yè) ?

journal 期刊 ?

the latest news *消息 ?

exclusive news *新聞 ?

news agency 新聞社 ?

news block out 新聞封鎖 ?

news censorship 新聞是審查 ?

freedom of the press 新聞自由 ?

coverage 新聞報道 ?

do reportage on …報道… ?

hit the headlines 上頭條 ?

issue 出版,發(fā)行 ?

newsstand 報攤 ?

free-lancer writer 自由撰稿人 ?

chief editor 總編 ?

editorial 社論 ?

newsworthy 值得報道的 ?

barometer 晴雨表 ?

the barometer of public opinion 輿論的晴雨表live broadcast 直播 ?

quiz show 智力競賽節(jié)目 ?

game show 游戲節(jié)目 ?

variety show 綜合節(jié)目 ?

talk show 脫口秀 ?

sitcom 情景喜劇 ?

soap opera 肥皂劇 ?

movie star 電影明星 ?

movie king 影帝 ?

movie queen 影后 ?

affair 緋聞 ?

celebrity 名人 ?

fame 名聲 ?

rise to fame 聲名鵲起 ?

fan 熱心追求者 ?

invade one’s privacy 侵擾了…的隱私misleading 誤導性的 ?

cheating 欺騙性的 ?

popularity *度 ?

scandal 丑聞 ?

二、發(fā)展/進步/加強/豐富/增加 ?

develop/advance/evolve/expand/flourish ?

foster/grow/maturate/mature/promote/ripen ?

thrive/amplify/augment/broaden/cultivate ?

deepen/enlarge/enrich/extend/intensify ?

magnify/perfect/refine/spread/strengthen ?

enhance/stretch/widen/hike/aid/assist/ ?

boost/boom/blossom/expedi(a)te ?

三、開始/產(chǎn)生 ?

begin/start/commence/originate/initiate ?

generate/form/unfold/arise/create/kindle ?

ignite ?

消滅/消失/消散 ?

extinguish/abolish/annihilate/crush/destroy ?

eliminate/eradicate/erase/extirpate/obliterate ?

quell/remove/stamp out/suppress/repress ?

quench/smother/stifle/suffocate/trample ?

disappear/depart/disperse/dissipate/dissolve ?

ebb/end/evaporate/expire/fade/fade away/flee ?

托福常用觀點類詞匯 ?

1.支持某觀點 claim ( contendreckon share the belief that ) ?

2.支持某觀點 advocate (maintainvote forside with be in favor of ) ?

3.反對某觀點 contradict (criticizebe against cast doubts on ) ?

4.合理的 justified ( sensible feasible convincinghold waterbear much analysis) ?

5.好處 advantage (benefit,merit,positive side) ?

6.弊端 disadvantage( defect,demerit,negative side) ?

7.肯定 undoubtedly (indeedundeniablythere is no denying that) ?

8.不確定 be likely to ( potentially presumably) ?

9.重要的essential (significant,vital,crucial,critical,fundamental,indispensable) ?

10.有益的 beneficial (conducive instrumental ) ?

11.有害的 detrimental (harmfulvirulent) ?

12.有爭議的 controversial (disputable,contentious) ?

13.普遍的 widespread ( prevalent,universal) ?

14.顯著地 considerably (significantly,remarkably,dramatically,tremendously,substantially) ?

15.明顯的 evident (apparent,manifest) ?

16. 增強 enhance (strengthen intensify) ?

托福常見詞匯匯總 ?

a big shot = an important person 大腕兒,大亨 ?

a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人 ?

Achilles’ heel 致命弱點;個性的瑕疵 ?

be all ears 洗耳恭聽 ?

be all eyes 目不轉睛 ?

a wet blanket 討人嫌的人 ?

chip in = contribute money 捐獻,集資 ?

sell like hot cakes = sell very well or very quickly 暢銷 ?

get butterflies in one’s stomach = get nervous 緊張不安 ?

two thumbs up 舉雙手贊成 ?

be the apple of one’s eye = be very precious to sb. 非常珍貴 ?

pull one’ s leg = tease someone 開某人玩笑 ?

break one’ s back 辛勤工作 ?

twenty-four seven = 24 hours a day, 7 days a week = all the time 永遠,一直 ?

go for a song = be sold very cheaply 賤賣 ?

bucket down = rain very heavily 瓢潑大雨 ?

backroom boys 幕后英雄 ?

below the mark = not measure up 不夠水平,不合格 ?

beyond compare 絕佳的,最棒的 ?

break even 不賠不賺 ?

Education ?

作業(yè)(注意它是可數(shù)名詞,與homework不同) n. assignment ?

選修課n. elective ?

學分n. credit ?

青少年n. adolescent ;青春期的adj. adolescent ?

青少年children and youth ?

教學法teaching/ pedagogical methodology ?

適應adapt to sth./ adjust oneself to sth./ become accustomed to sth. ?

適應能力n. adaptability ?

應用v. apply ?

把學生分開教育segregate students ?

團隊精神team spirit ?

獨立思考think independently ?

在理解的基礎上學習learn things through understanding ?

學生的反饋students’ feedback ?

學生評價老師的教學students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance 通才n. generalist ?

專才n. specialist ?

全面發(fā)展的adj. well-rounded ?

為社會健康發(fā)展做貢獻contribute to societal well-being (or welfare) ?
