

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于知曉商務(wù)英語關(guān)于公司介紹的英語對話


日期:2019-10-02 09:12:03     瀏覽:425    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
  商務(wù)英語關(guān)于公司介紹的英語對話-深圳新世界教育 ?   經(jīng)典句型:   Now that we have been intreduced,may I make a presentation on our company's activities?   既然我們已互相介紹過了,我想針對本公司的活動做一下簡介。 ?   Here is our company's most recent annual report.   這是本公司新的年度報告。 ?   I see your sales have been growing quite steadily over the past ten years.   我看到你們的銷售額在過去10年來一直穩(wěn)定地增長。 ?   If you have any questions , please raise them any lime.   如果你們有任何問題,請隨時提出。 ?   I Would appreciate it if you could hold your questions until I finish my presentation .   如果各位不介意的話,我希望各位能在我做完簡介之后再發(fā)問。 ?   What are the main items you export?   你們主要的出商品是什么? ?   That's under our line of business.   那是我們的經(jīng)營范圍! ?   The catalogues will give you a good idea of the products we handle.   這些樣本目錄會使你對我們經(jīng)營的產(chǎn)品有一個很好的了解。 ?   Can you tell me something about your company?   你能不能告訴我有關(guān)貴公司的情況? ?   The annual output vale reached one hundred million yuan last year,that is,about 15 million in US dollars.   去年年產(chǎn)值達(dá)1億元,大約相當(dāng)于1500萬美元。 ?   What is your market share?   你們公司的市場占有率是多少? ?   模仿對話:   A : So what's the name of your company ? ?   B: It's " Futian AROMATIC Peanut Oil Factory". Threeyears ago it was transformed into a stock company . ?   A :What is your company's main product ?   B:Our leading product is AROMATIC Brand Peanut Oil. Itsells fast in many big ?cities ?all over China and hasrecently been exported to Western Europe. ?   A: How much is your annual production of Iwanut oil ? ?   B:W'e produce more than 300,000 tons every year. ?   A: Are there any other products in your company ? ?   B: Yes, besides peanut oil we also produce other edible oils, eggs, vegetables and animal food to meet the. market demand. ?   A: How many departments are there in your company? ?   B: This stock conmpany consists of seven departments: Production, Purchasing, Finance, Auditing, Investment & securities,Marketing and ?R&D. ?   A: How many staff doyou have? ?   B : We have 700 staff in al I so far. 40% of them have Bachelor's degree. ?   A :Good. You see, we're interested in estahlishing a joint venture with a Chinese partner . Itseems your company is one of our choice. But one more thing I'd like to know is yourFinancial standing. ?   B : I can assure you that we have a sound financial standing . You can consult our banks , theICBC, Fuzhou. ?   A : May I ask about your capital ? ?   B:Yes, our registered capital is RMB 30 million yuan. We were listed on the Shenzhen StockExchange a year ago, and presently we have a market capitalization of 60 million yuan. Listyear, our net profit was 10 million yuan. ?   A : Very impressive. Thank you for your information. ?   B : Not at all. WS'e look forward to your positive news. ?   深圳新世界教育老師譯文: ?   A:你們公司叫什么名字? ?   B"福田芬芳花生油廠”。它是三年前轉(zhuǎn)為股份公司的。 ?   A:你們公司的主要產(chǎn)品是什么? ?   B:我們的主要產(chǎn)品是芬芳牌花生油。這種花生油在全*許多大城市都很暢銷,近來已向西歐出口。 ?   A:你們的花生油年產(chǎn)量如何? ?   B:我們年產(chǎn)量超過30萬噸。 ?   A:你們公司還有其他產(chǎn)品嗎? ?   B:有,除了花生油,我們還生產(chǎn)其他食用油、蛋類、蔬菜類、動物飼料,以滿足市場需求。 ?   A:你們公司有多少*? ?   B:這家股份公司有七個*,包括生產(chǎn)部、采購部、財務(wù)部、審計部、投資證券部、營銷部及研發(fā)部。 ?   A:你們有多少員工? ?   B:到目前為止,我們共有700名員工,40%擁有學(xué)士學(xué)位。 ?   A:不錯。你知道,我們有興趣與一家*伙伴建立合資企業(yè)??磥砟銈児臼俏覀兊倪x擇對象之一。但我還想了解一下你們的財務(wù)狀況。 ?   B:我可以向您確保我們的財務(wù)狀況非常好。您可以到我們的銀行詢問一下,即福州的*工商銀行。 ?   A:我可否詢問一下你們的資金情況? ?   B:可以。我們的注冊資金為人民幣3000萬元。我們是一年前在深圳股票交易所注冊上市的。目前我們市場融資6000萬元。去年我們的純利潤為1000萬元。 ?   A:非常好.謝謝您提供的信息。 ?   B:不客氣。我們期待您的好消息。 ? ? ? ?以上是深圳新世界教育小編整理的商務(wù)英語關(guān)于公司介紹的英語對話的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容。 ?