

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專(zhuān)線(xiàn) 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算認(rèn)識(shí)常用旅游英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)的有哪些


日期:2019-10-01 23:47:17     瀏覽:186    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者

出國(guó)旅游,最擔(dān)心的就是和別人溝通了!因?yàn)橛⑽目谡Z(yǔ)不好,到國(guó)外旅游簡(jiǎn)直就是煎熬,而不是享受旅游的過(guò)程!今天小編主要給大家分享常用旅游英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)的有哪些,希望對(duì)你們有幫助! ?



一、出國(guó)旅游常用英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)句子: ?

1.Excuse me,How do I get to the.......? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往......? ?

2.How do I get to the airport? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往機(jī)場(chǎng)? ?

3.How do I get to the bus station? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往公車(chē)站? ?

4.How do I get to the metro station? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往地下鐵路站? ?

5.How do I get to the subway station? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往地下鐵路站? ?

6.How do I get to the underground station? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往地下鐵路站? ?

7.How do I get to the train station? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往火車(chē)站? ?

8.How do I get to the Hilton hotel ? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)如何前往希爾頓酒店? ?

9.Excuse me, Is there....... nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有...? ?

10.Is there a disco nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有的士高? ?

11.Is there a hospital nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有醫(yī)院? ?

12.Is there a night club nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有夜總會(huì)? ?

13.Is there a post box nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有郵政局? ?

14.Is there a public toilet nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有公共廁所? ?

15.Is there a restaurant nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有餐廳? ?

16.Is there a telephone nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有電話(huà)? ?

17.Is there a travel agent nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有旅游社? ?

18.Is there a youth hostel nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有青年旅館? ?

19.Is there a baker nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有面包店? ?

20.Is there a bank nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有銀行? ?

21.Is there a bar nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有酒吧? ?

22.Is there a bus stop nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有公車(chē)站? ?

23.Is there a cafe nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有咖啡店? ?

24.Is there a cake shop nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有西餅店? ?

25.Is there a change bureau nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有找換店? ?

26.Is there a chemist"s nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有藥劑師? ?

27.Is there a department store nearby? 請(qǐng)問(wèn)附近有沒(méi)有百貨公司? ?

二、出國(guó)旅游常用英語(yǔ)口語(yǔ)短語(yǔ): ?

1.機(jī)場(chǎng)費(fèi) airport fee ?

2.出站(出港、離開(kāi)) departures ?

3.國(guó)際機(jī)場(chǎng) international airport ?

4.登機(jī)手續(xù)辦理 check-in ?

5.國(guó)內(nèi)機(jī)場(chǎng) domestic airport ?

6.登機(jī)牌 boarding pass (card) ?

7.機(jī)場(chǎng)候機(jī)樓 airport terminal ?

8.行李領(lǐng)取處 luggage claim; baggage claim ?

9.國(guó)際航班出港 international departure ?

10.國(guó)際航班旅客 international passengers ?

11.國(guó)內(nèi)航班出站 domestic departure ?

12.中轉(zhuǎn) transfers ?

13.衛(wèi)星樓 satellite ?

14.中轉(zhuǎn)旅客 transfer passengers ?

15.入口 in ?

16.中轉(zhuǎn)處 transfer correspondence ?

17.出口 exit; out; way out ?

18.過(guò)境 transit ?

19.進(jìn)站(進(jìn)港、到達(dá)) arrivals ?

20.報(bào)關(guān)物品 goods to declare ?

21.不需報(bào)關(guān) nothing to declare ?

22.貴賓室 V.I.P. room ?

23.海關(guān) customs ?

24.購(gòu)票處 ticket office ?

25.登機(jī)口 gate; departure gate ?

26.付款處 cash ?

27.候機(jī)室 departure lounge ?

28.出租車(chē) taxi ?

29.航班號(hào) FLT No (flight number) ?

30.出租車(chē)乘車(chē)點(diǎn) Taxi pick-up point ?

31.游客Tourist ?

32.美國(guó)United States (U.S.) ?
