

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于理解合理的解釋-英語(yǔ)


日期:2019-10-01 12:02:13     瀏覽:70    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者
Dialogue One   A:I'm waiting for your plan. You should have handed in yesterday afternoon. I remember.   B: I'm so sorry,madam. I had finished it yesterday morning.   "I he printer can't work properly when I was trying to print it out yesterday afternoon.   A: Have you got it repaired, then?   B: Yes,but it is still out of order now. So I have to wait.   A: Why not ring the changes and print it in another office?   B: I'm just here for two days, and I'm not familiar with others. I’m sorry,madam.   A:OK,copy your document to my folder on the company intranet,and I'll print it out myself.   B: Yes, madam. Thanks a lot.   A:我在等你的方案。我記得你昨天下午就該交給我的。   B:抱歉,女士.我昨天上午前已經(jīng)完成,等我下午要打印出來(lái)的時(shí)候,打印機(jī)就壞了。   A:那么你找人修了嗎?   B:找了,可是現(xiàn)在還沒(méi)有修好。所以我還得等.   A:為什么不換個(gè)方法,到別的辦公室去打印呢?   B:找才來(lái)兩天,和別人不熟悉。對(duì)不起,女士。   A:好吧,把你打印的文件傳到公司內(nèi)部網(wǎng)上我的文件夾中去,我自己打印吧。   B:好的,女士。謝謝您。 ? Dialogue Two   A: Have you finished the statistical analysis about the questionnaire investigation?   B: Not yet, madam.   A:Why, when can you complete the general report?   B: We planned to turn it on Monday, but now it seems that we won't have it done on time.   A:I feel a bit worried about it, for time is too limited.   B: We’re sorry, but we just got the analysis software this morning, and we'll finish the statistical analysis full out.   A:問(wèn)卷調(diào)查的統(tǒng)計(jì)分析你完成了嗎?   B:還沒(méi)有呢,女士。   A:怎么了.你們什么時(shí)候能完成總體報(bào)告呢?   B:我們?cè)?jì)劃周一交的,但現(xiàn)在看來(lái)不能準(zhǔn)時(shí)交了。   A:我感到有點(diǎn)兒著急,因?yàn)闀r(shí)間太有限了。   B:對(duì)不起,不過(guò)我們今天早上才得到統(tǒng)計(jì)軟件,我們將盡快地完成統(tǒng)計(jì)分析。

合理的解釋 英語(yǔ)

?   *遇到責(zé)難   1. I told you a thousand times that after you finished the print please turn the machine over and lock the door.   我和你說(shuō)過(guò)千百遍了,用完了復(fù)印機(jī)要關(guān)掉開關(guān),鎖好門。   2. You cannot work so carelessly like this.   你的工作不應(yīng)該像現(xiàn)在這樣草草敷衍。   3. How can you make your plan like this?   你為什么會(huì)這么安排計(jì)劃呢?   4. Well.I'm really tired of hearing your excuses, Jane. Your work has been slipping for the past several months.   哎,我不想再聽(tīng)你的解釋了,簡(jiǎn).過(guò)去幾個(gè)月來(lái)你工作總是跟不上。   5. I'd start with that large pile of paper over there you're throwing away. Why don't you recycle it?   我準(zhǔn)備處理一下那一大堆你們丟掉的紙。為什么不回收再利用呢?   6. Look over there, there's another thing I can't stand.   再看那里,又一件我無(wú)法容忍的事情.   *解釋問(wèn)題   7. Sir, when I left the meeting room Karl came in to use the print.   先生,我離開會(huì)議室的時(shí)候,剛好卡爾走進(jìn)去要用復(fù)印機(jī)。   8. How can you say I am neglecting my duty? After sales service is always charged by Ivy.   怎么能是我的失職呢?售后服務(wù)一向是艾薇負(fù)責(zé)的。   9. I plan to repackage our products they seem out of date now.   我打算把我們的產(chǎn)品重新包裝一下,現(xiàn)在看上去有些落伍了。   10. I am really sorry, Mr. Smith. I know I'm not working upto my capabilities. You’ll see a real improvement in my work from now on.   非常抱歉,史密斯先生。我知道我沒(méi)有盡心盡力地工作。從現(xiàn)在開始,你會(huì)看到我的進(jìn)步的。   11. I know, but it's such a hassle to find those recycling bins.   我知道,但找到那些回收桶好麻煩啊。   12. It is Bill who went to lunch but left his computer on.   是比爾去吃午飯卻沒(méi)有關(guān)電腦。 ? ? ? ?以上是由小編為您整理的合理的解釋 英語(yǔ)的全部?jī)?nèi)容。