

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京托福培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于領(lǐng)會(huì)托福作文高級(jí)詞匯有哪些


日期:2019-09-30 11:39:10     瀏覽:225    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者

托福寫(xiě)作是托??荚嚨囊粋€(gè)重要部分,考生們需在備考時(shí)大量積累詞匯,特別是一些能加分的高級(jí)詞匯。下面就來(lái)看看托福作文高級(jí)詞匯有哪些。一起學(xué)習(xí)下! ?


托福作文的高級(jí)詞匯 ?

1) Come a long way 有很大的進(jìn)步 ?

Human being has come a long from drinking and eating raw food to talking through cell phones. ?

2) It is worthwhile to / it is worth doing ?

It is worthwhile to spend time in learning music and art, because they can benefit me for life time. ?

3) Give credit for 歸功于 ?

The convenience that commuters (通勤者 )has now should give credit for the newly opened subway lines. ?

4) Give sb. a competitive edge 給某人競(jìng)爭(zhēng)優(yōu)勢(shì) ?

Learning multiple languages give people a competitive edge in this demanding society. ?

5) Remove the barrier for 為(發(fā)展,交流等)消除障礙 ?

Learning English is a way to remove the barrier for communicating with many foreigners./exchanging with exotic cultures. ?

6) Be the cornerstone of 是 的基石 ?

Believing in the correlation of hardworking and success is the cornerstone of American spirit. ?

7) Be an essential ingredient of 是 的條件 ?

A sound health is an essential ingredient of excellent academic performance. ?

8) profit from/benefit from 從中獲益 ?

People can profit/benefit from the advancement of modern technology, such as computers, the Internet and many digital devices. ?

9) is an indispensable part of 是 中不可或缺的一部分 ?

Advertising has become an indispensable part of our lives and it has been exerting profound influence on the way we live, work , play and learn. ?

10) plays a pivotal role in 扮演者至關(guān)重要的角色 ?

It is universally acknowledged that education plays a pivotal role in individual success ?

11) enable somebody to do something 是某人做某事 ?

The policy of restricting usage of plastic bags enables people to foster an awareness of environmental protection. ?

12) get accustomed to do something 習(xí)慣于做某事 ?

People may need time to get accustomed to use less plastic bags which once brought us great convenience, but this practice will definitely benefit/better our environment. ?

13) Someone can utilize something 使用,利用 ?

In this day and age, many individuals can utilize the Internet via computers or mobile phones. ?

14) something is in the best interests of someone * 的利益 ?

Preserving the endangered animals is in the best interests of humanity. ?

15) contribute to 促成(表原因) ?

The restricting of private cars can contribute to the betterment of traffic condition in Beijing. ?

托福作文高級(jí)詞匯解析 ?

1. Irony ?

What you think it means: Something that is funny. 你認(rèn)為單詞的含義是:滑稽的事。 ?

What it really means: Contrary to what you are expecting.單詞的真正含義是:事與愿違的。 This is a famous one because so many people get this wrong so often. It’s also kind of hard to explain, so we’ll use an example. The Titanic was boasted about as being * unsinkable and then in 1912 it was sunk anyway. That is what is called cosmic irony. When a starving vegetarian eats a pepperoni pizza, that is what is called situational irony. ?

這是一個(gè)典型的單詞,因?yàn)榻?jīng)常有人用錯(cuò)。解釋起來(lái)可能有點(diǎn)困難,所以我們還是舉例說(shuō)明吧。泰坦尼克號(hào)號(hào)稱*不會(huì)沉沒(méi),但1912年它還是意外沉沒(méi)了,這就叫“宇宙反諷”。要是某個(gè)餓得不行的素食者忍不住吃了塊香腸披薩,那就叫“情境反諷”。 ?

There are other kinds too, such as dramatic irony and Socratic irony. Believe it or not, sarcasm is actually irony. When you say something sarcastically, your tone and your words mean two opposite things. That is ironic. Irony can be funny but not everything funny is irony. ?

當(dāng)然還有其他分類,比如“喜劇式反諷”和“蘇格拉底式反諷”。不管你信不信,irony其實(shí)和sarcasm(諷刺)是一個(gè)意思。當(dāng)說(shuō)到某件事很諷刺時(shí),你的語(yǔ)調(diào)和用詞意在表達(dá)完全相反的兩種情況。這就是ironic(反諷)。反諷可以是滑稽的,但并不是所有滑稽的事都可以稱得上“反諷”。 ?

2. Travesty ?

What you think it means: A tragedy or something unfortunate. 你認(rèn)為單詞的含義是:悲劇或不幸的事。 ?

What it really means: A mockery or parody. 單詞的真正含義是:拙劣的模仿或惡搞。 This is another one that people have wrong fairly frequently. You've heard people call 9/11 a travesty. Truth be told 9/11 was a tragedy. A travesty is actually a mockery or a parody. One might say that a Weird Al Yankovic album is a travesty. With how often this word is associated with tragedy, we wouldn't be shocked if that definition were eventually added as an acceptable meaning. Until then, it doesn't mean anything bad happened. ?

這也是人們經(jīng)常用錯(cuò)的一個(gè)單詞。有人把9.11事件說(shuō)成travesty,其實(shí)他是想說(shuō)是個(gè)tragedy(悲劇)。Travesty其實(shí)是指拙劣的模仿或惡搞。你可以說(shuō)艾爾?揚(yáng)科維奇的專輯是travesty(惡搞的)。鑒于travesty這個(gè)單詞總是被人們和tragedy(悲劇)搞混淆,或許以后travesty里面也能加入“悲劇”的含義吧。不過(guò)到目前為止,這個(gè)單詞跟“不好的事情”完全扯不上關(guān)系。 ?

托福作文常用高級(jí)詞匯 ?

1.originally, formerly(后面須有相對(duì)應(yīng)的latterly), principally, mainly, essentially, basically, fundamentally, to begin with, to start with, at the outset… ?

2.afterward, thereafter, after that, succeeding (adj.), what is more, furthermore (further more)… ?

3. eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all… ?

4. in addition(句前), besides(句前), moreover(句前), additionally(句前)… ?

5.用在句子間連接: plus, as well as, along with, in addition, bonus, with…。otherwise, if not, before, or else… ?
