

全國(guó)統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語(yǔ)言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京英語(yǔ)培訓(xùn)資訊 > 終于理解商務(wù)英語(yǔ)公司對(duì)話


日期:2019-09-17 13:21:10     瀏覽:535    來(lái)源:天才領(lǐng)路者

商務(wù)英語(yǔ)公司對(duì)話 ?

Would tomorrow suit you? He'll be in his office the whole day tomorrow, so you can come any time.明天可以嗎?明天一天他都在辦公室,你什么時(shí)候都可以來(lái)。下面是更多有關(guān)商務(wù)英語(yǔ)公司對(duì)話的內(nèi)容,希望可以幫助到各位。 ?



場(chǎng)景1:開(kāi)大會(huì)( Calling a group meeting) ?

A: All right. I want to bring everybody in on this project. When can we start working on this? ?

B: Well, we could probably get started with a strategy meeting tomorrow morning at 8:00. ?

A: I tell you what, 8:00 is no good for me, but why don’t you guys get started and I’ll come by at around 8:45 or so. ?

B: That’s fine with me. How much time are we going to have to work on this? ?

場(chǎng)景2:傳真號(hào)碼(Asking for a fax number) ?

A: Excuse me, Mr., Macmillan? Could you tell me the fax number for Mr. Winthrop’s office, please? ?

B: Sure. I have it right here. 232-2453. If that one doesn’t work, try 232-2456. ?

A: Okay – that’s 232-2453, or 232-2456. ?

B: That’s right. ?

場(chǎng)景3:企業(yè)介紹( Introducing the company) ?

A: Hi, John Phillips? I’m Rose Green. I’ve been asked to handle your training and introduce a little bit of the company to you. It’s nice to meet you. ?

B: It’s nice to meet you, too, Ms. Green. This company seems so big right now; I don’t know how I’ll ever get used to it. ?

A: After a week, you’ll be running around here like a pro. Let me give you this list of departments first, next to each department is its location and the name of the manager. ?

B: Great – That’ll be big help, Ms. Green. ?

場(chǎng)景4:預(yù)約客戶(Appointment with a client) ?

A: I definitely want to meet with you, Mr. Parker. I just need to sort out my schedule. ?

B: Well, I know you’re pretty booked up these days. But, we’ve got to work fast on this. ?

A: I realize that. We don’t have any time to waste. I can put you down for 9:20. Could you make that, Mr. Parker? ?

B: Let me see. That’s no problem. I’ll see you then. ?

場(chǎng)景5:領(lǐng)導(dǎo)們的會(huì)議( Bosses’ meeting) ?

A: Hello. Mr. Rothman? This is Michael in Mr. Emory’s office. He’d like to set up and appointment with you to talk about buying a new copier. ?

B: Sure, I’d be glad to. What time did he have in mind? ?

A: He’d like to do it as soon as possible, sir. How about tomorrow at 2:45? ?

B: Mm, yeah, that’ll be great. Tell him I’ll see him then. ?

在公司的商務(wù)英語(yǔ)對(duì)話 ?

場(chǎng)景1:秘書組織會(huì)議(Secretary schedules a meeting) ?

A: Mr. Crane’s office. Sandy speaking. May I help you? ?

B: Hi, Sandy. It’s Walter Knight. I need to book some time with Mr. Crane. ?

A: Certainly, Mr. Knight. When would you like to meet with him? ?

B: Can you see what his schedule is like on Wednesday? ?

場(chǎng)景2:商務(wù)會(huì)面( Making a sales appointment) ?

A: Good morning, Mr. Emory. I was hoping to set up an appointment with you for sometime this week. ?

B: Hmm. I’m pretty booked up this week. Let’s move it up to next week. ?

A: Fine, Mr. Emory. Would next Monday at 4:00 o’clock be all right for you? ?

B: Let me take a look. All right, that’s no problem. See you then. ?

場(chǎng)景3:培訓(xùn)預(yù)約(Training appointment) ?

A: Paul, can I set up a time with you to go over the training manual? ?

B: Sure. Let me just grab my calendar. All right. I’m free all day Tuesday and Thursday morning. ?

A: Tuesday morning is good for me. How about 10:30 in my office? ?

B: Okay. Sounds good. See you then. ?

場(chǎng)景4:必要的會(huì)議(A mandatory meeting) ?

A: Paul? I need to work out a time to get together with your people. ?

B: Does everybody need to be there? Hilary and Jason are on vacation this week. ?

A: It would be best if everybody could be there. How about next week sometime? ?

B: Let me take a look at the schedule. I’ll get back to you this afternoon, all right? ?

場(chǎng)景5:?jiǎn)T工會(huì)議(Setting up a staff meeting) ?

A: We’re going to need everybody’s input on this project. So I’d like to fix a time to meet next week and hear what you all have to say. ?

B: I’d prefer to meet in the morning. I’m going to be out of the office most afternoons next week. ?

A: I don’t have any problem with that. Let’s set it up for 9:30 Wednesday morning. We can carry it over to Thursday if we need to. ?

B: That’s fine. What do the rest of you think? ?

商務(wù)英語(yǔ)對(duì)話之辦公預(yù)約 ?

A:Hello, this is Mr. Wang. I called earlier. ?

你好。我是王先生,稍早曾打過(guò)電話。 ?

B:Ah, Mr. Wang, I remember. How are you? ?

啊!你是王先生,我記得。你好嗎? ?


A:I'm fine... but I've got something urgent to discuss with your boss. Could you arrange it? ?

我很好……但是我有急事想找你們的老板商量,你能安排一下嗎? ?

B:Would tomorrow suit you? He'll be in his office the whole day tomorrow, so you can come any time. ?

明天可以嗎?明天一天他都在辦公室,你什么時(shí)候都可以來(lái)。 ?

A:Sorrry, but I won't have any opening tomorrow. Can we make it some other time? ?

抱歉,明天我沒(méi)有空。我們能換個(gè)別的時(shí)間嗎? ?

B:When will it be convenient for you? ?

那你什么時(shí)間有空? ?

A:Could I possibly make it in this morning, say, 11 o'clock? ?

那我可不可以在今天商務(wù)見(jiàn)到他,比方說(shuō)11點(diǎn)可以嗎? ?

B:But he's out of the office at the moment. This morning he has a conference until 12 o'clock. ?

但是他現(xiàn)在不在辦公室。今天上午他有個(gè)會(huì)要開(kāi)到12點(diǎn)。 ?

A:How about 2:00 o'clock this afternoon? ?

那今天下午2點(diǎn)怎么樣? ?

B:Let me check his calendar. Oh, yes, he'll be expecting you then at 2:00 this afternoon in his office. ?

讓我查一下他的日程表。噢,可以。今天下午兩點(diǎn)他會(huì)在辦公室等你。 ?

A:Thank you very much. ?

非常感謝。 ?

B:You are welcome. See you then. ?

不客氣。到時(shí)候見(jiàn)。 ?

商務(wù)旅行安排英語(yǔ)對(duì)話 ?

A:Mr. Jackson,I've drafted a schedule for your business trip next week. You may have a look. ?

A:杰克遜先生,我為你下周的商務(wù)旅行作了一下安排。你可以看一下。 ?

B:Oh, great! Let 's discuss it together. Now,when am I off then ? ?

B:噢,好的!我們一起討論一下吧。那么,我什么時(shí)候離開(kāi)? ?

A:You're leaving on Tuesday morning. ?

A:你星期二上午離開(kāi)。 ?

B:What time exactly? ?

B:到底什么時(shí)候? ?

A:Your flight takes off at 8:10 a. m. And you arrive in Shanghai at 10:40. Mr. Yang is meeting you at the airport. Wednesday's a busy day. You're attending the conference in the morning and in the afternoon you're going to the exhibition. ?

A:你的飛機(jī)上午8點(diǎn)10分起飛,10點(diǎn)40分到達(dá)上海。 楊先生會(huì)在機(jī)場(chǎng)接你。星期三是忙碌的一天。你上午參加會(huì)議,下午去展覽會(huì)。 ?

B:Oh,am I seeing Mr. Li? ?

B:噢,我見(jiàn)李先生嗎? ?

A:Yes,you're seeing him on Thursday. You're inspecting the factory in the morning and having dinner with him in the evening. ?

A:是的,你星期四見(jiàn)他。你上午視察工廠,晚上與他一起吃晚餐。 ?

B:I've got a schedule! ?

B:行程真滿。 ?

A:Oh, that's not everything. You're free on Friday and then on Saturday you're catching the 9 o'clock plane back to Guangzhou. ?

A:噢,這還不是所有的事。你星期五有空,星期六你乘9點(diǎn)鐘的飛機(jī)回廣州。 ?
