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位置:北京英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 北京雅思培訓(xùn)資訊 > 總算明了雅思口語大公司范文


日期:2019-09-02 18:41:15     瀏覽:186    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者

雅思每一次更換的題目大概是淘汰30%到40%的舊題,并且補(bǔ)充相應(yīng)數(shù)量的新題,大家一定要根據(jù)雅思口語話題的變化來變更自己的機(jī)經(jīng)版本。那你知道雅思口語大公司范文有哪些嗎?下面是小編收集整理的一些雅思口語大公司范文,大家一起來看看吧! ?

雅思口語大公司范文篇一:感興趣的大公司 ?

Describe a big company you are interested in.

You should say:

What is the company called;

How did you know this company;

What kind of business this company does;

What kinds of interesting activities does the company have

sample answer


How do you begin to define success? This is really hard, because does it mean a company that makes lots of money? Does it mean a company that produces something innovative or is just very well known? Does it mean a company that makes the world a better place through discovering a medical cure or paying fair wages to staff in countries where they are often exploited? I don’t know, it could mean any or all of the above! Even so, I can think of one company that I know well, and which is meaningful to me, and which started from nothing to become a chain, so I think that makes it more than successful enough to talk about in my eyes, even though you may never have heard of it.

The company is called Bravissimo. I used to live in a town called Leamington Spa, which is in Warwickshire in the UK, and that is where the company started out, and where its head office is still based. Essentially, they are ‘just’ a lingerie retailer i.e. they sell women’s underwear, but what makes them unusual, is that they cater exclusively for erm, well let’s say, the more ‘curvaceous’ figure. They sell bras in larger D+ cup sizes. The company was born from one woman’s frustration at being unable to find a decent comfortable and well-fitting bra when her body shape changed during pregnancy. She and a friend decided they couldn’t be alone in struggling to get quality lingerie appropriate for their size, so they went on a small business course, and with the help of a modest grant set up their own company sourcing and selling lingerie by mail order.

They really hit on a great idea, there was at that time a definite gap in the market supplying bras to women with a fuller figure. The business quickly took off, they really cared about their product, and they had a local ethos. Employing local people at their warehouse, and then when they opened their first shop in Leamington spa they paid good wages and trained staff well. For seemingly the first time, women could go to a specialist shop, be measured without embarrassment by a knowledgeable and sympathetic member of staff and try on as many bras as they wanted to in an unhurried and relaxed environment. Speaking as someone who had real difficulty getting underwear that fitted me, it was just brilliant when they started up. The week the shop opened I went in to be measured and came out with a completely different bra size from the one I’d been wearing before. I threw away all my old underwear, and for the first time ever felt comfortable, confident and quite literally supported with my wonderful new bras!

Unsurprisingly, the company quickly expanded, theynow have 21 stores across the UK and also sell via mail order and online. From just the two of them who started up they now employ over 700 people. They have also expanded their range to sell clothing under the Pepperberry brand from 2011. The company is successful because they had a really good idea, and the tenacity to see it through. The founders have expanded carefully, and it is a profitable business. I believe because the company was set up by women who had a real passion for their business, they deliver quality with understanding. I love that the entrepreneurs were two women, and they have an attention to detail which makes for great customer service and generates customer loyalty. I have a many friends who, like me, having discovered Bravissimo would now never go anywhere else. The company has grown, but the quality and personal service remains the same as at the outset.

Because the company started from a need and an idea, rather than setting out to make a fortune, I believe it has an internal integrity. Many women customers want to get rid of their old underwear once they have found a size and product that suits them better. Therefore, Bravissimo has set up recycling banks in their shops so bras in good condition, but that no longer fit their original owner, can be sent to parts of the world where having a bra is seen as an unaffordable luxury yet is much needed to help protect women and girls. It’s hard to imagine from the comfort of the UK, but in some countries underwear gives protection by demonstrating status and showing that a woman or girl, must therefore have someone who cares for her and protects her. Having a decent bra isn’t just about being more comfortable, it might actually protect these women from sexual assault – startling, but true.

So I think Bravissimo is successful however you look at it. It started with a great idea for a product where there was a gap in the market. It is good at what it does, and it provides something that certainly makes my life a lot easier. The company is financially profitable, and it employs many people in good working conditions. If my memory serves me right I think it may even have been awarded a prize for being local employer of the year at one time. It has retained a personal feel. I know plenty of people who shop online with them, and yet I’ve never met anyone who has a bad word to say about the company. In this day and age that degree of customer loyalty is a rare thing indeed. Hurrah for Bravissimo, long may they continue! ?



雅思口語大公司范文篇二:大公司 ?

you should say:

what it is

how big is it

how many employees works there

and explain what do you think about it


I’d like to talk about Zalora group, one of the leading companies specializing in selling clothes.

It is an e-commerce company for online shopping purposes and provides a wide variety of style as well as current fashion trend for both men and women . The company has been through so many ups and downs that there was a time when they were on the edge of bankruptcy. At first, I didn’t care much about it ,not until I came across a eye-catchingdress when going shopping in the mega mall did I become interested in its products. What amazed me is that the price is much cheaper than other brands so I can get the best offerwithout asking for a bargain. Normally it would take me 3 days for the merchandise to be delivered but just only 2 days I could receive it. Another thing is that the refund policy of zalora is much better than Lazada which is its competitor. Customers can return unpleasing products within 10 days and get a brand new one with similar price so that’s the reason why zalora has great customer base than any competitors. Lately, the company has expanded its chain all over the place, therefore, customers no longer have to wait for delivered products and can enjoy great service from physical stores.

Starting from modest investment to a leading company that has highly profitable and thousands of employees coming from all over the world, zalora is an icon for lots of start-ups and youngsters running their own businesses. ?

雅思口語Part2范文:小而成功的公司 ?

Describe a small successful company that you know.

You should say:

what kind of company it is

what this company does

how did you know it

and explain why you think this company is successful

sample answer

The company I am thinking of is run by a friend of mine. We met through a running club. She makes very high quality bespoke cookies. The biscuits themselves are delicious, but actually it isn’t really so much about the food, it’s about the way she designs and presents them. She will do any design or theme and create special shaped and decorated biscuits to order. So, for example, if you have a friend who is celebrating a special birthday, and they love cycling and rock climbing, she might make up a box of biscuits including one in the shape of a bike, some mountains and ropes to represent abseiling equipment. She does a lot of wedding favours – small biscuits with a personal design incorporating the initials of the bride and groom on e.g. the number plate of a classic car perhaps. She even did a special order for me. A friend of mine had a riding accident and broke her arm very badly. To cheer her up I asked my biscuit making friend to make a very special box. It featured a cartoon version of the horse she had been riding; the back of an ambulance; a syringe – to represent the morphine injections the paramedics had issued, and a representation of my friend with her arm in plaster. It was brilliant!

As to why the business is successful, I think it’s for a number of reasons. The actual cost of ingredients is quite modest so the overheads aren’t huge, so my friend is able to add value through her art work. She meets a niche need, I don’t know of any similar businesses in the region so there is not too much competition. She can also send her biscuits through the post, and they both travel and keep well, so she can supply all over the world – in theory at least, a limitless market. It helps that she is good at what she does so repeat orders keep on coming. However, whilst that explains how she keeps in profit, for me what makes the business a success, is that she has found a way of working for herself that generates an income, but gives her a really good work life balance. She can work flexibility and take time off when she needs to. If she wants to go for a run in the morning before work and start late she can; if she thinks the lovely weather means she’d be better off working on her allotment she can do that too – although of course the work has to be done later. It is fantastic that she has made a success of her business idea, and the company has grown enough that she is also able to employ a part-time assistant to help her in busy spells as well.

Setting up the business was an act of faith, there were no guarantees when she started out, but she has worked hard, built up and retained a good reputation, and her products always raise a smile of delight in the recipient. Her main problem is that customers complain her biscuits look to good to eat. This frustrates her, they are made for eating,’ keep a photo eat the biscuits’ is her advice, and she should know, she baked them herself! ?

雅思口語范文:學(xué)業(yè)與工作 ?

106. What problems do you think you will have to face abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the differences in the cultures will be a shock to me. I have heard that it is called the ‘culture shock’. For example, the people, language, food, and even the weather will be completely different from what I am used to.

107. How will you overcome problems abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s a good question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself/my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, I hope I will get some help from my fellow students. For example, the person who I am sharing my room with is studying the same major as me. I am sure we will be able to tackle some problems together.

108. What kind of differences in culture do you expect abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question. Allow me to explain my personal views by shortly mentioning the following points: Firstly, the food will be different. For example, I don’t think I will be able to find dumplings on the menu. Secondly, many of the customs will be strange to me. To be more specific, in the west there are other festivals that are important to the local people. I would have to study the history behind these festivals in order to understand why they are important there.

109. What places would you like to see in the country you are going to? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: First of all I would not be visiting to much in the beginning. I will be concentrating on my studies. Later, However, I would like to visit as many of the cities as possible. For example, those cities, which have many historical places.

110. Do you want to immigrate? Why? ( 5 - 8 )

Yes, I want to immigrate. As to the reasons why I would want to immigrate, I feel I have a better future in a foreign country. For example, there are many countries in the world that are not as heavily overpopulated as China.

111. What will you do should you become ill abroad? ( 5 - 8 )

That’s an interesting question, which I must admit, I haven’t given much thought yet. Allow me to explain myself by shortly mentioning the following points: The most obvious answer I suppose is that I will go and see a doctor to find out exactly what is wrong with me.

112. What do you know about the country you are going to? ( 5 - 8 )

I’m afraid at the present moment I don’t know much about the country. I will have to do some reading about it before I leave. Firstly, I would like to know more about the culture of the people. For example, what do they eat, what they do in their free time, and so on.
