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位置:北京語言培訓資訊 > 北京英語培訓資訊 > 終于知曉考研復試英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)武漢


日期:2021-11-03 16:14:07     瀏覽:503    來源:天才領路者

武漢位于江漢平原,有13個區(qū)兩個開發(fā)區(qū),人口830萬,是一座擁有悠久歷史的文化古城。下面是考研復試英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)武漢,一起來了解下吧: ?

【考研復試英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)武漢篇一:】 ?



My hometown, Wuhan, is the capital city of Hubei Province, a center of central China, and the thoroughfare of the nine provinces. Located in the Jianghan Plain, Wuhan has 13 districts and two development zones with a population of 8.3 million. It is an ancient cultural city with a long history. The beauty of Wuhan, the beauty of water and the beauty of people are more beautiful. I love my hometown Wuhan. ?

Hill beauty in Wuhan. There are famous mountains such as turtle mountain, Snake Hill and Mt. Shan in Wuhan. In those days, Chairman Mao left here a heroic poem "tortoise and snake lock the great river". The Yellow Crane Tower, the three largest building in the south of the Yangtze River, is located on Snake Hill. It has five floors and is more than 50 meters high. There are bronze statues of cranes, dragons and phoenixes, turtles and snakes, ceramic murals and ancient music bells in the Yellow Crane Tower for visitors to enjoy. ?

Throughout the ages, how many literati and scholars have written a masterpiece for the "white clouds and Yellow Crane". Among them, the Yellow Crane Tower by Cui Hao, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, is the most famous: the people of the past have gone by the Yellow Crane, where there is no Yellow Crane Tower. The yellow crane is gone forever. Qingchuan has a history of Hanyang trees, with luxuriant grass and parrot island. Where is the countryside at sunset? ?

The beauty of water in Wuhan. Wuhan is also known as "Jiangcheng". The Yangtze River and the Han River confluence, dividing Wuhan into three towns of Hankou, Hanyang and Wuchang. East Lake is 5 times larger than that of West Lake, Hangzhou. Blue waves and clear bottoms. East Lake and mount Mt. Hushan are beautiful. The Wuhan river beach on the Yangtze River is the largest beach in the country, attracting many people to play and relax. ?

Wuhan's snack is well known throughout the country. The duck neck of Jing Wu Road, the big stalls on Jiqing street, the breakfast in Hubuxiang, etc. If you don't eat Tsai Lin's hot noodle, you will never be in Wuhan. Add sesame paste, scallions and shredded carrots to the hot-dried noodles. The aroma is overflowing. It tastes delicious and refreshing. It makes people eat a bowl and think of two bowls! ?

People in Wuhan are better. In recent years, Wuhan people with their own diligence and wisdom to build Wuhan, and strive to build a harmonious development between man and nature in Wuhan. With the bluer sky, clearer water, greener trees and more beautiful people in Wuhan, every citizen of Wuhan strives to be a civilized Wuhan man. Wuhan, one of the three most recognized stoves, began to cool down year by year with the beautification of the environment. ?

I love my hometown, Wuhan. ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)——武漢是湖北省的省會城市,是華中重鎮(zhèn),九省通衢。武漢位于江漢平原,有13個區(qū)兩個開發(fā)區(qū),人口830萬,是一座擁有悠久歷史的文化古城。武漢的山美、水美、人更美,我愛我的家鄉(xiāng)——武漢。 ?

武漢的山美。武漢有龜山、蛇山和磨山等名山。當年,毛主席在這里留下了“龜蛇鎖大江”的豪邁詩句。江南三大名樓之首的黃鶴樓就座落在蛇山上。它共有五層,高50多米。黃鶴樓內有仙鶴、龍鳳、龜蛇等青銅像、陶瓷壁畫及古樂編鐘,供游人賞玩。 ?

古往今來,多少文人墨客為“白云黃鶴”寫下了千古絕唱。其中,以唐朝詩人崔顥的《黃鶴樓》最為著名:昔人已乘黃鶴去,此地空余黃鶴樓。黃鶴一去不復返,白云千載空悠悠。晴川歷歷漢陽樹,芳草萋萋鸚鵡洲。日暮鄉(xiāng)關何處是?煙波江上使人愁。 ?

武漢的水美。武漢又號稱“江城”。長江和漢江交匯,把武漢分隔成了漢口、漢陽、武昌三鎮(zhèn)。磨山腳下的東湖比杭州西湖大5倍,它大湖連小湖,小湖又通湖。萬頃碧波,清澈見底。東湖與磨山湖山相映,綺麗多姿。長江之濱的武漢江灘是**的江灘,吸引了眾多市民在這里游玩休憩。 ?

武漢的小吃享譽*。精武路的鴨脖子、吉慶街的大排檔、戶部巷的早點等等。不吃蔡林記的熱干面,就等于沒來過武漢。熱干面上加入芝麻醬、小蔥、胡蘿卜絲,香氣四溢,味美爽口,讓人吃了一碗想兩碗! ?

武漢的人更好。近年來,武漢人以自己的勤勞和聰明才智建設著武漢,努力構建人與自然和諧發(fā)展的武漢。隨著武漢的天更藍、水更清、樹更綠,人也更美了,武漢市民人人爭當文明武漢人。武漢這個公認的三大火爐之一,也隨著環(huán)境的美化,開始逐年降溫了。 ?

我愛我的家鄉(xiāng)——武漢。 ?

【考研復試英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)武漢篇二:】 ?

My hometown is in Wuhan, where there is the world-famous Yellow Crane Tower, where there are fragrant hot and dry noodles, there is a beautiful West Lake... ?

The hot dry noodle in Wuhan is a special feature of Wuhan, with onions and radishes in hot dry noodles. But the most important thing is sesame sauce, sesame sauce makes hot dry noodles moist, smooth, especially delicious! Have a chance to taste it! ?

There are so many tall buildings in other places. We are not backward in Wuhan. The Yellow Crane Tower in our hometown is also beautiful. It is not only beautiful in appearance, but also beautiful in inside. There is also a beautiful legend in Yellow Crane Tower. ?

Wuhan is Jiangcheng. There are many natural waters. Wuhan not only has rivers, but also rivers and lakes. When it comes to lakes, Wuhan has East Lake, West Lake, Nanhu and Beihu. I think the West Lake is the most beautiful of all the lakes. I've been to the lantern show of the West Lake. So many lights are on together. It's colorful and colorful! ?

Crossing a small bridge, overhead rows of golden lights, shining on us, passing through the golden and brilliant bridge, and saw flowers and trees hanging on the branches of colorful lights, very brilliant, West Lake water, is a mirror, a boat across the water, like a mirror was broken After the boat had passed, the water closed the crack again and restored the mirror-like picture! The West Lake, the lights and the birds flying over the sky were painted a beautiful and harmonious landscape! ?

I have to praise, ah, Wuhan, how beautiful you are! ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)在武漢,那里有舉世聞名的黃鶴樓,那里有香噴噴的熱干面,那里有美麗的西湖…… ?

我們武漢的熱干面,是武漢的特色,熱干面里放了蔥、小蘿卜……,不過最重要的是芝麻醬,芝麻醬讓熱干面變得濕潤、柔滑,特別好吃!有機會一定要嘗嘗哦! ?

其它的地方有那么多高樓,我們武漢也毫不落后,我們的家鄉(xiāng)的黃鶴樓也很美,不僅外觀美,里面也很漂亮。黃鶴樓還有一個美麗的傳說呢! ?

武漢是江城,自然水就很多嘛!武漢不僅有江,還有河,還有湖。說到湖,武漢有東湖、西湖、南湖、北湖。我認為眾多的湖中,西湖最漂亮,我去看過西湖的燈展,那么多的燈一起打開,真是五彩繽紛、五顏六色! ?

走過一座小橋,頭頂上一排排的金黃色的燈光,照射在我們的身上,走過那座金碧輝煌的小橋,又看見了花草樹木的枝頭上都掛著五顏六色的小燈,非常絢麗,西湖的水,就是一面鏡子,一條小船從水上劃過,就像鏡子被劃破了似的,小船過后,水面又合上那條裂縫,又恢復了那副水平如鏡的畫!西湖、燈光和天上飛過的幼鳥繪成了一副美麗、和諧的風景畫! ?

我不得不贊嘆,啊!武漢,你是多么美麗! ?


【考研復試英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)武漢篇三:】 ?

My hometown is Wuhan, where there are mountains; there is water; there are hot and dry noodles. ?

In spring, in the famous scenic spot East Lake, there are ten miles of red, fragrant peach blossoms, yellow spring blossoms... Colorful, colorful, colorful, dazzling. ?

In the summer, the lotus danced to a beautiful young girl on the lotus leaf. The frog was accompanying her. When he knew it, he came to see the bustle and accompanied the frog, "croak, squeak." Coupled with the lotus show, the scenery is so beautiful. It seems that only the gods can see and tour. ?

Autumn girl quietly came, he let the farmers harvest; let the fruit ripen; let us become happier. In the harvest autumn, the beautiful chrysanthemum blossoms compete with each other, fighting for beauty, for the autumn added a lot of fun. ?

The cold winter is coming, but the children are not afraid at all. They put on the cotton jacket, the cotton trousers, the cotton gloves, (here is the wrong word, should be "cotton", cotton gloves should be added in front of the word "put on" more appropriate) go out to play, they have a snowman, some snowball fights... ?

When it comes to Wuhan, we can't help but say the Yellow Crane Tower. When it comes to the Yellow Crane Tower, there is another poem: "The old man said the Yellow Crane Tower in the west, and the fireworks went down to Yangzhou in March." ?

Comparable to Yellow Crane Tower, it is only the Yangtze River. A Yangtze River like a Pentium dragon flows to the distance. There is also a sentence about the Yellow River: "thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi." Is it thirty years of eastward flow and thirty years of westward movement? ?

This is my beautiful hometown -- Wuhan! ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)是武漢,這里有山;有水;有熱干面。 ?

春天,在著名景點東湖里,有紅十里、散發(fā)出清香的桃花,有黃色的迎春花……萬紫千紅,姹紫嫣紅,五彩繽紛,令人不禁眼花繚亂, ?

在夏天的時候,荷花向一位亭亭玉立的少女,在荷葉上表演著舞蹈,青蛙正在旁邊為它伴奏,知了來看熱鬧,也跟著青蛙伴奏,“呱呱呱,吱吱吱。”再加上荷花的表演,這種景色太美了!好像只有神仙才能觀賞、游覽。 ?

秋姑娘靜悄悄的走來了,他讓農民豐收了;讓果子成熟了;讓我們變得更快樂了。在豐收的秋天里,美麗的菊花競相開放,爭奇斗艷,為秋天增添了許多生趣。 ?

寒冷的冬天到來了,而小朋友卻一點也不怕,他們穿上綿襖,綿褲,綿手套,(此處有錯別字綿,應該為“棉”,棉手套前面應該加上“戴上”一詞更恰當)出去玩兒,他們有的堆雪人,有的打雪仗…… ?

說到武漢,不能不說黃鶴樓,說到黃鶴樓,那還有一句詩:‘故人西辭黃鶴樓,煙花三月下?lián)P州?!? ?

能與黃鶴樓媲美的,那只有長江了。一條長江像奔騰的巨龍,流向遠方。也有關于黃河的一句話:“三十年河東,三十年河西?!彪y道是三十年東流,三十年向西流? ?

這就是我那美麗的家鄉(xiāng)——武漢! ?

【考研復試英語介紹家鄉(xiāng)武漢篇四:】 ?

My hometown is different in Wuhan and Wuhan every day. Wuhan is a beautiful city. There are many beautiful scenery, many mountains, many rivers, many bridges, snacks, and schools. ?

There are many beautiful mountains in Wuhan, such as turtle hill, Snake Hill and so on. Some mountains are tall and strong, some of them are like a very big awl. The hundred years old mountain attracts many tourists to visit Wuhan. ?

Wuhan, there is still a lot of clear water. Do you know why? Our nickname of Wuhan is Jiangcheng. The Hanjiang River and the Yangtze River divide Wuhan into three parts: Wuchang, Hanyang and Hankou. There are beautiful lakes such as East Lake and Moon Lake, which are really pleasant scenery. ?

Where there is water, there are bridges. Bridges can make Wuhan accessible. The famous bridges in Wuhan are Tianxingzhou Bridge, Yangtze River Bridge, Yangtze River Bridge, Parrot Island Bridge, Moon Lake Bridge and so on. In the evening, there are colorful lights on the bridge, bright, beautiful, this has become a line of scenery in Wuhan. ?

After watching so many beautiful scenes, are you hungry? Let's have dinner. There are many delicious food in Wuhan. We can eat Tsai Lin's delicious hot dry noodles. Looking at the colorful noodles, do you really want to eat? The smell of sesame sauce is strong, and with seasoning, is it very fragrant? Then come and eat. ?

There are many other universities in Wuhan. Wuhan University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology... It is the largest city in the world, and it trains many talents for our country every year. ?

"Dare to be first and pursue excellence." As a Wuhan man, I am proud and proud of myself. ?

我的家鄉(xiāng)在武漢,武漢,每天不一樣。武漢是一座美麗的城市。這里風景優(yōu)美,山多、水多、橋多、小吃多、學校也多…… ?

武漢,有很多美麗的山,比如龜山、蛇山等等。有的山高大雄壯,有的山頂仿佛一個非常大的錐子。百年*的大山,吸引了很多游客來武漢游玩。 ?

武漢,還有很多清澈的水,你知道為什么嗎?我們武漢別名是江城,有漢江和長江把武漢分成三個部分:武昌、漢陽和漢口。還有東湖、月湖等等美麗的湖泊,真是風景宜人。 ?

有水就有橋,橋可以讓武漢四通八達。武漢的名橋有:天興洲大橋,長江一橋,長江二橋,鸚鵡洲大橋,月湖橋等等。到了晚上,橋上有五顏六色的燈,亮亮的,美極了,這也成了武漢的風景一線。 ?

看完了那么多美景,是不是餓了呢?我們來吃飯吧!武漢的美食可多了!我們可以來吃蔡林記美味的熱干面??粗伾r艷的面條,是不是很想吃呀?芝麻醬香味撲鼻,再加上調料一拌,是不是很香?那就快來吃吧! ?

武漢還有很多*。有武漢*、華中科技*……是全世界*最多的城市,每年為我們*培養(yǎng)出很多人才! ?

“敢為人先,追求卓越?!弊鳛橐粋€武漢人,我驕傲,我自豪! ?
