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日期:2021-07-30 14:49:33     瀏覽:595    來源:全國新勵(lì)成口才培訓(xùn)機(jī)構(gòu)



Nicole姐說:如果你有需要和其他的公司進(jìn)行聯(lián)絡(luò),你會(huì)怎么做?打開電腦發(fā)一封Email?不夠及時(shí)吧。打開手機(jī)發(fā)一條微信?不夠正式吧。雖然我們現(xiàn)在的通訊手段日新月異,但是無論怎樣在職場上都少不了打電話這一個(gè)動(dòng)作??梢哉f打電話溝通工作都是最廣泛的聯(lián)系方式,而且也是除了見面以外最直接、最及時(shí)的溝通交流方式。不過,中文打電話你一定沒問題,但用英文打電話你會(huì)嗎?用英文打電話,不僅需要了解相關(guān)詞匯和說法,還要注意老外的語言使用習(xí)慣。今天,我們就為你帶來了10句對(duì)話例句及另外10句相關(guān)常用例句。先來看10句對(duì)話例句我們將模擬撥電話與接電話雙方的通話1. (接電話方)拿起電話Hello! This is Williams speaking.(喂?這里是威廉)2. (撥電話方)說明目的Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.(喂,我是Robert,我找Steve)3. (接電話方)詢問身份May I ask what company you are calling from, please?(請(qǐng)問一下你是哪個(gè)公司的?)4. (撥電話方)自報(bào)家門This is Robert calling from WSE Company.(我是WSE公司的Robert)5. (接電話方)詢問分機(jī)Do you know what extension he's on?(你知道他的分機(jī)號(hào)嗎?)6. (撥電話方)查詢分機(jī)I don't know, could you please help me to check the telephone directory?(我不知道,你能幫我查一下電話簿嗎?)7. (接電話方)電話轉(zhuǎn)接Please hold and I'll put you through.(請(qǐng)不要掛機(jī),我?guī)湍戕D(zhuǎn)過去)8. (接電話方)對(duì)方正忙Steve is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold?(Steve電話占線,你要等他嗎?)9. (撥電話方)電話留言May I leave a message for him?(我能給他留個(gè)言嗎?)10. (接電話方)通話結(jié)束Thanks for calling. I'll speak to him later. Good bye.(感謝來電,我稍后會(huì)告知他,再見)上面這10句話是平日里工作會(huì)遇到的最常見情況之一。不過只有這些或許還不夠你用的。因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)實(shí)中我們還會(huì)遇到很多其他狀況,比如遇到推銷電話如何拒絕,遇到特殊情況該怎么描述等等。10句與打電話相關(guān)的常用句子1. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.(對(duì)不起我現(xiàn)在很忙) 2. I can't get a dialing tone.(沒有撥號(hào)音)3. The line is engaged.(電話占線)4. I've been cut off.(我被強(qiáng)行掛斷電話了)5. Sorry, you must have the wrong number.(你打錯(cuò)電話了)6. Can you hear me?(你聽得見我說話嗎?)7. I'm about to run out of credit.(我手機(jī)要沒話費(fèi)了)8. My battery's about to run out.(我手機(jī)要沒電了)9. I've got a very weak signal.(我的信號(hào)很弱)10. I'll text you later.(我稍后發(fā)信息給你)今天Nicole姐為你分享的20句與打電話相關(guān)的常用句子對(duì)你有所幫助嗎?打電話因?yàn)榭床灰妼?duì)方的肢體語言,可以說是最難的英語使用場景之一了。希望那些原來沒有信心用英語打電話的小伙伴,在看過今天的學(xué)習(xí)內(nèi)容之后能夠?yàn)樽约簶淞⑿判?,開始嘗試著在電話中去鍛煉自己的口語,放膽去說!———— END ————


1.電話鈴響時(shí)The phone's ringing/There's the phone. / There's a phone call for you.電話響了。/有電話。/有找你的電話。Could you get it?/is someone going to get that?/Somebody answer the phone!誰能去接一下電話?/你去接嗎?/快去接電話! A: There goes the phone again. It's ringing every two minutes!!B: Let it ring. The machine will pick it up. I'm screening my calls.電話又響了。它每兩分鐘就響一次??!讓它響吧。機(jī)器會(huì)自動(dòng)應(yīng)答的。我正在過濾電話。2.接電話時(shí)[1]確認(rèn)對(duì)方身份 Who's this?/May I ask who's calling, please? /May I have your name?/Who am I speaking to? / May I ask who I am talking with? 您找哪位?/您要跟誰通話?Who are you calling? / Who would like to speak [talk] with?[2] 回答自己身份 speaking/ this is she/heMay I speak to Tom?This is he./speaking[3]詢問打電話的事由 今天有什么需要我?guī)兔Φ??How can I help you today?什么事?/有什么事?What is it? / What's up?May I ask what this is in regards to?/What does this concern?我能問一下是什么事嗎?[4] 陳述事由 I'd like to discuss something with you.我想跟你談一些事情I'm calling to see if you'd like to go out with me sometime.我打電話是想問一下你想不想某個(gè)時(shí)間和我出去。I am calling about some issues with my credit card.我打電話過來想問一些關(guān)于信用卡的問題I'd like to make sure we're both on the same page here regarding our company's policy.我想確定我們倆對(duì)我公司的政策意見一致。[5]告知對(duì)方待自己確認(rèn)之后再打過去I'll call you back after I run this by my boss. 我向老板匯報(bào)之后再給你回電話。Can I call you back on this? Maybe in a few days?我再打電話告訴你,好嗎?或許過幾天?I need to double-check my documents. Can you give me some time to look over the figures?我要再檢查一下我的資料。能給我一些時(shí)間再檢查一下那些數(shù)據(jù)嗎?I'll get back to you as soon as I find out.我弄明白了馬上給你回電話。I'll call back in a bit.我過一會(huì)兒再打過來。[6]想和某負(fù)責(zé)人(*)通話時(shí) Is this the right for...?is this the right for returning a product?這里是負(fù)責(zé)退貨的*嗎?Is this the right number to call for ?這是負(fù)責(zé)信息咨詢的電話嗎?I'm sorry. You've got the wrong 對(duì)不起,你找錯(cuò)*了。[7]確認(rèn)對(duì)方是否在聽Did you get that? / Do you ?你記下了嗎?/你明白了嗎?Are you listening to me? / Are you paying attention?你在聽我說話嗎?/你在注意聽嗎[8]請(qǐng)對(duì)方再說一遍I didn't catch that last part.我沒聽明白*一部分。Could you repeat that, please? /One more time, if you don't mind.如果不介意的話,請(qǐng)?jiān)僬f一遍。Please speak slower /more slowly. 請(qǐng)說得慢一點(diǎn)兒。[9]表示自己明白了I think I got it. / Yeah, I got .[10]詢問是否要寫下來Are you writing this down?/Are you ready to write this down?/do you have a pen to write it down?你要寫下來嗎?/你準(zhǔn)備好寫下來了嗎?[11] 沒聽清或電話信號(hào)不好時(shí)I can't hear you./Your voice keeps fading out./I'm only catching parts /bits/pieces of what you're saying.我聽不見。/你的聲音總是時(shí)高時(shí)低。/我只能斷斷續(xù)續(xù)聽到你的話。Are you there? Hello? Oh, you're still there. I thought I lost you.你還在嗎?喂?哦,你還在呢。我以為斷線了呢。I’m sorry. You are breaking up. Can you repeat that?不好意思,你那邊斷斷續(xù)續(xù),可以重復(fù)一遍嗎?I am having really bad reception. Can you repeat that?我這邊信號(hào)不好,你能重復(fù)一遍嗎?Could you please speak a little more slowly,please?(非正式)can you spell that?(正式)Would you mind spelling that for me, please?請(qǐng)對(duì)方聲音大一點(diǎn)Would you mind speaking up, please?[12] 請(qǐng)對(duì)方稍等一下(非正式)Hang on a second.等下(正式)Would you mind hold on a moment, please?請(qǐng)稍等一下[13] 需要留言時(shí)Can I leave a message?能留言嗎?[14] 詢問如何聯(lián)系某人How can I get hold of you?/what number can I reach you at?You can reach me at this number.你可以打這個(gè)電話找我3,掛電話時(shí)It’s been great talking to you! Have a nice day!You too!I have to get off the line now. Call you back later,I will be off the phone in a minute/I have to go. I have another call.Thanks for calling./I guess I have got to go.感謝閱讀,歡迎點(diǎn)贊 ,謝謝!


●1. 打電話This is Dennis Smith. (我是丹尼斯·史密斯。)Hello, John? 喂,(是約翰嗎? )Is this Mr. Dennis Smith? (喂, 請(qǐng)問是丹尼斯·史密斯先生嗎? )Is this the finance ? (請(qǐng)問是財(cái)務(wù)科嗎? )Is this Dr. Jim Baker s office? (請(qǐng)問是吉姆·貝克醫(yī)生的辦公室嗎? )Do you mind if I use your phone? (我能借用一下您的電話嗎?)May I speak to Mr. Sato?(我想找佐藤先生。)Is Mark there? (馬克在嗎? )I m sorry for calling you this late. (真對(duì)不起,這么晚了還給您打電話。)I hope I m not you. (我希望我沒打擾您。)I hope I didn t wake you up. (但愿沒吵醒您。)It is urgent I talk to Mr. Barr now.(我有急事要找巴爾先生。)I m calling about tomorrow s meeting. (有關(guān)明天開會(huì)的事給您打電話。)I m returning your call.(我給您回電話。)●2. 接電話Hello. (喂!)Speaking.( 對(duì),我就是。)It s me. (是我呀。)ABC Business College, may I help you?( ABC商務(wù)。您有什么事?)Who s calling, please?(您是哪位? )Who in would you like to talk to? (您想找哪位接電話? )He s been expecting your call.(他一直在等您的電話。)Which Suzuki do you want to talk to? (您要找哪個(gè)鈴木? )There are three Suzukis here. (這兒有三位姓鈴木的。)Would you mind calling back later?(您能過會(huì)兒再打嗎? )Extension 103, please. (請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn)103。)I ll connect you to extension 103.(我給您接103分機(jī)。)Hold on, please. (請(qǐng)稍等一下。)I ll put him on. (我讓他接電話。)I ll transfer your call.(我把電話給您接過去。)I ll get your party for you. (我把電話轉(zhuǎn)給負(fù)責(zé)人。)I m your call to the sales .(我把您的電話接到營業(yè)部去。)Mr. Peck is on line one.(是貝克打來的,請(qǐng)接1號(hào)線。)You have a call from Mr. Miller of ABC.(ABC公司米蘭先生的電話。)Your party is on the line. (您要找的人來接電話了。)●3. 無法接電話時(shí)Her line is busy now. 她正在接電話。I m sorry, she s tied up at the moment. (對(duì)不起,她現(xiàn)在脫不開身。)I m sorry, she has company at this time. (對(duì)不起,她正在接待客人。)Would you like to hold? (您等會(huì)兒行嗎?)He s away from his desk now.(他現(xiàn)在不在座位上。)He s in but he s not at his desk right now. (他在公司,但現(xiàn)在不在座位上。)I m sorry, he s not in right now.(對(duì)不起,他出去了。)When is he coming back?(他什么時(shí)候能回來? )He should be back in ten minutes. (他大概10分鐘后回來。)He should be back in the office next week. (他應(yīng)該下個(gè)星期來上班。)He s on vacation until next week. (他休假到下個(gè)星期。)He called in sick today.(他打電話來說病了。)He s out of town now. (他現(xiàn)在出差去了。)He s out to lunch now. (他現(xiàn)在吃午飯去了。)He s in a meeting right now. (他現(xiàn)在正在開會(huì)。)He s off today. (他今天休息。)●4. 留言、接受留言Could you call back later?(您能過會(huì)兒再打來嗎?)Please call me back in ten minutes. (請(qǐng)10分鐘后再打。)May I take a message? (您要給他留言嗎?)I ll try again later.(過會(huì)兒我再打。)Can I leave a message?(能留個(gè)口信嗎? )I called but your line was busy.(我給你打電話了,可是占線。)Would you tell him that Lynn Kane called?(請(qǐng)告訴他林恩·凱恩給他打過電話。)Please tell him to call me.(請(qǐng)轉(zhuǎn)告他讓他給我回個(gè)電話。)How can he get a hold of you?(他怎么跟您聯(lián)系呢? )Your number, please? (請(qǐng)告訴我您的電話號(hào)碼。)My number is 1234-1234. (我的電話號(hào)碼是1234-1234。)You can reach me at 1234-1234 until six o clock.(請(qǐng)6點(diǎn)以前打1234-1234跟我聯(lián)系。)Let me repeat the number. That s 1234-1234.(我再確認(rèn)一下電話號(hào)碼,1234-1234,對(duì)嗎?)OK. I ll tell him that you called.(好的,我轉(zhuǎn)告他您來電話了。)How do you spell your name?(您的名字怎么拼? )Mr. Smith called you during the meeting.(您開會(huì)的時(shí)候史密斯先生給您來電話了。)I ll have him call you back.(我讓他給您回電話好了。)Shall I have him call you back?(是不是讓他給您回電話呀? )●5. 掛斷電話Thanks for calling. (謝謝您打來電話。)Please call again anytime. (請(qǐng)隨時(shí)來電話。)I d better get off the phone. (我得掛電話了。)I have to go now.(我得掛電話了。)I guess I d better get going. (我該掛電話了。)Nice talking to you. Bye. (能跟您通上話,我非常高興,再見。)Please hang up the phone. (請(qǐng)掛電話吧。)I was cut off.(電話斷了。)She hung up on me. (我還沒說完呢,她就把電話掛上了。)The phone went dead. (電話不通。)Thank you for returning my call.(謝謝你給我回電話)●6. 打錯(cuò)電話I m afraid you have the wrong number. (您好像打錯(cuò)電話了。)What number are you calling?(您撥的電話號(hào)碼是多少? )Who would you like to talk to?(您找哪位呀? )There s no one here by that name.(這兒沒有您說的這個(gè)人。)There s no Bob Hope in this office.(我們公司沒有叫鮑勃·霍普的。)I m sorry. I must have misdialed.(對(duì)不起,我好像打錯(cuò)了。)●7. 電話留言This is Gary Mills calling. Please call me as soon as possible. (我是加里·米爾斯,請(qǐng)盡快跟我聯(lián)絡(luò)。)This is Gary Mills of ABC. Please call me when you get home. My number is 1234-1234.(我是ABC公司的加里·米爾斯,請(qǐng)回來后給我回電話。我的電話號(hào)碼是1234-1234。)This is a recording. (這是電話錄音。)●8. 打電話遇到困難時(shí)Please speak a little more slowly.(您能說慢一點(diǎn)兒嗎?)I can t hear you very well.(我聽不清楚。)We have a bad .(電話線好像有毛病。)Could you speak up, please?(您能再大點(diǎn)兒聲嗎? )The lines are crossed. (串線了。)I m sorry to have kept you waiting. (對(duì)不起,讓您久等了。)Thank you for waiting. (謝謝您等我。)You gave me the wrong number.(你給我的電話號(hào)碼是錯(cuò)的。)---分割線---如果你想加入有外國人、*生的社群(英語角),關(guān)注公眾號(hào)“豎起耳朵聽”關(guān)注后即可加入,英語角里會(huì)美音、倫敦腔、印度腔的小伙伴都有。


既然需要給他人打電話,肯定是有事情要告知對(duì)方的,哪怕閑來無事只是為了閑聊。但是在英語電話交流過程中,遇到下面的一些情況,該如何用英語傳達(dá)呢?學(xué)習(xí)積累標(biāo)準(zhǔn)正規(guī)分英語電話模式,讓自己的工作生活更加暢通無阻!1、遇到自己不熟悉的情況不擅長說英語的人接到英語電話時(shí),千萬不要手足無措,可用下述幾種方式沉著應(yīng)答。 (1) 請(qǐng)稍待片刻。 Just a moment, please. (2) 請(qǐng)別掛斷。我找一位會(huì)說英語的人來。 Hold the line, please. I’ll get an English speaker. (3) 請(qǐng)等一下。我找個(gè)人來聽。 Hold on, please. I’ll get someone to the phone. (4) 很抱歉,我英語說得不好。我找位會(huì)講英語的人稍后回電話給你。請(qǐng)教您的大名及電話號(hào)碼? I’m sorry, I don’t speak English well. I’ll have an English speaker call you back later. May I have your name and telephone number?2、詢問對(duì)方信息資料等等先用"Hello." "Good morning." "Good afternoon. "等問候?qū)Ψ?,并?bào)上自己的公司名、*名、姓名等,如此可予人態(tài)度親切的感覺。(1) 早安。這里是正泰貿(mào)易公司。我能效勞嗎? Good morning. This is Chengtai Trading Company. May I help you?(2) 午安。這里是大安商業(yè)銀行。我能為您效勞嗎? Good afternoon. This is Dan An Bank. What can I do for you?(3) 先鋒電子。我是吳瑪莉。 Pioneer . This is Mary Wu speaking.(4) 喂。海外營業(yè)部。我是王大明。 Hello. Overseas Sales . Taming Wang speaking.(5) 喂。這里是王公館。 Hello. This is the Wang residence.(6) 午安。我是王大明。 Good afternoon. Taming Wang speaking.(7) 我是楊文凱,請(qǐng)講。 Wenkai Yang. Speaking.(8) 請(qǐng)問找哪位? Who do you want to talk [speak] to?3、自己搞不定找人幫忙聽不懂對(duì)方的話卻硬撐下去,并非明智之舉,不如坦白請(qǐng)對(duì)方更簡單明確的說明清楚。(1) 能說得明確一點(diǎn)嗎? Could you put that in more specific terms?(2) 我無法確定你的意思。 I’m not sure what you mean.(3) 很抱歉。我沒聽懂你的話。 I’m sorry. I couldn’t follow you.(4) 你講得太快了。我跟不上。 You’re talking too fast. I can’t keep up.(5) 請(qǐng)你再多解釋一下好嗎? Will you explain a little bit more?(6) 你能說得簡單一點(diǎn)嗎? Could you put that more simply?(7) 恐怕我沒聽懂。能請(qǐng)你再說一遍嗎? I’m afraid I didn’t that. Could you say that again, please?(8) 對(duì)不起,我沒聽到,請(qǐng)你再說一遍好嗎? Excuse me, but I didn’t hear that, would you mind repeating it, please?(9) 抱歉,我沒聽懂,請(qǐng)您拼一下好嗎? Sorry, but I didn’t catch that, would you mind spelling it, please?4、表達(dá)態(tài)度和情感嘆詞借助各種或表附和,或表驚訝,或表欣喜,或表婉惜,或表疑問,或表否定的短語,以利談話的順利推展。1、表驚訝(1) 真的呀? Really? (2) 什么? What? (3) 別開玩笑! You’re kidding!2、表欣喜(1) 好極了! Great! (2) 太棒了! Fantastic! (3) 棒極了! Terrific! (4) 哇! Wow!3、表婉惜(1) 真糟糕。 That’s too bad. (2) 真可惜! What a shame!(3) 聽到這樣我很難過。 I’m sorry to hear that. (4) 喔,原來如此。 Oh, I see.4、表同意(1) 沒錯(cuò)。 Right. (2) 正是。 Exactly.(3) 是的,一點(diǎn)也沒錯(cuò)。 I’ll say. (4) 你說得對(duì)極了。 You can say that again. (5) 好的。 OK. Well / fine5、表不同意(1) 我可不以為然。 I don’t think so. (2) 不成! No way (3) 不! No.(4) 喔,得了吧! Oh, come on! (5) 事實(shí)上不然。 Not really.5、電話快結(jié)束進(jìn)入尾聲告知對(duì)方接近尾聲,經(jīng)常要來上幾句客套話,以作為道別的前奏曲。請(qǐng)靈活應(yīng)用下列各句,免得該收?qǐng)鰰r(shí)卻不知如何下手。(1) 謝謝你來電。 Thank you for calling. (2) 感謝你打給我。 It was kind of you to call me.(3) 很高興跟你談話。 Nice talking to you. (4) 讓我們盡快聚聚。 Let’s get together soon.(5) 我該掛電話了。 I’d better get off the phone. (6) 請(qǐng)隨時(shí)再打電話給我。 Call me again any time.(7) 有空請(qǐng)?jiān)俅螂娫拋怼?Call again when you’ve got time. (8) 請(qǐng)代我問候珍妮。 My best wishes to Jane.(9) 請(qǐng)一定要再來電話喔。 Please do call again. (10) 我隨時(shí)高興接到你的電話。 I’m always glad to hear from you.(11) 想聊的時(shí)候請(qǐng)隨時(shí)來電。 Call again anytime you feel like talking. (12) 謝謝你回我電話,再見。 Thanks for returning my call, good-bye.(13) 讓我們保持聯(lián)絡(luò),再見。 Let’s keep in touch, good-bye. (14) 那么下周二見。 See you next Tuesday, then.基本上搞定這電話用語,接到電話一般情況自己都可以hold住,是在遇到搞不定的情況最直接的是找英語不錯(cuò)的接聽,當(dāng)然另一個(gè)方法就是自己加強(qiáng)英語學(xué)習(xí),聽說俱全。


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