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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:英語培訓資訊 > 托福培訓資訊 > 托??谡Ztask1,托??谡Ztask1


日期:2021-07-12 14:01:31     瀏覽:237    來源:出國語言培訓

最近很多人都在咨詢托??谡Ztask1為自己的語言成績做準備,我也為大家整理了一些資料供大家參考托??谡Ztask1,托福口語task1:在城市當中你最喜歡哪個area?求比較好的答案,托??谡Z題庫Task1里面有一個題目求解~~,托福獨立口語task1 萬能思路 (1)??


topic:my first time to be am emcee of a party reasons:after so much ,I finally made it.A sense of and came to me. examples:1.I watched a lot of videos to learn how other emcees stood and spoke. 2.I asked for the people who were about this task. 3.I wrote my lines carefully and corrected it for many times,then memorised it for a whole day. 樓主把這些材料連起來說就可以了,開頭和結(jié)尾可以再加一點那些套話,這些內(nèi)容應該夠你說滿45秒了。 祝你考試成功~


滿分答案啊 The area I love most in the city is the Central Island. For one thing, it is an ideal place for many outdoor , such as walking, jogging, barbeque, picnic,chatting and Frisbee, Whatever you like it. For another, the island is filled with fresh air, lush trees, beautiful flowers, lovely birds and squirrels. I think the most enjoyable is biking along the lake shore trails, smeeling the breeze and the lake's blue water. Several beaches dot the island, spots for people to chill out. That's why I love this area.


不過reasons and examples還是讓人覺得好糾結(jié)。特別是examples。 查看原帖>>

4.托福獨立口語task1 萬能思路 (1)

備考過托??荚嚨耐瑢W們應該了解托福獨立口語涉及的話題廣泛,準備起來題目比較多,且每次考試的題目都不太一樣,但其實在瀏覽了大量的題目之后,會發(fā)現(xiàn)題目的問法大同小異,因此為了高效備考,同學們應該學會在應對不同的題目時找到相似的答題思路。今天老師就先給大家講解*組常見的答題思路-- sport ??v覽托福獨立口語task1的真題題庫,和體育運動相關的話題數(shù)不勝數(shù),所以sports在整個口語考試中也是高頻話題,問題的形式多種多樣,下面給大家列舉幾個:1. Your plans to reduce recently, which clubs do you think the should stop funding? Sports clubs like skiing club, or academic clubs like math club. Please give reasons and details in your answer. 2. If you were given an empty place of land, would you prefer use it to build a garden or a for children? 3. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Watching sports programs on is not a good use of time?從上面列舉的題目可以看出,問題內(nèi)容可能涉及sports club, 有可能會問運動的場地,也有能問體育節(jié)目等,但是大家要明白的是,這些題目都萬變不離其宗,解題時著重往sports 的意義、作用、好處等去想答案。下面我們以一個例題來引導大家想思路的方向,并給大家提供一些常用的思路表達。例題: During the holiday, do you like outside or indoor reading?這個題目是問大家,假期喜歡呆在家還是戶外活動? 給大家提供的萬能思路就是選擇戶外活動,因為可以去戶外做運動,然后就可以延展內(nèi)容到解釋運動的重要性。那么這個題目就能順利解題了。那么運動的好處/重要性/意義 到底有哪些呢?1) 讓身體保持健康、健美 keep healthy and fit;不容易生病 unlikely to get ill or be affected by diseases 2) 運動可以幫助伸展四肢 sports help stretch our arms and legs保持活力,提神 boost energy and refresh mind下面根據(jù)這個例題,給大家提供一個參考答案: speaking, I think it's a good idea to do outside during the holiday because sport is really important to me.First, is important for keeping me healthy and fit. So I will be unlikely to get ill or be affected by diseases, but on my study for a long period of time. As a result, my work will be improved.However, long time work can be harmful to my physical health. Instead of reading in the room, I prefer doing some sports to stretch my arms and legs, boost my energy and refresh my mind. After coming back, I will be able to focus better.這個sample中的理由充分,對理由的解釋說明細節(jié)也很充足,所以在考試中是一個非常優(yōu)秀的答案。那這個答案還可以如何運用在其他題目中呢?比如:If you were given an empty place of land, would you prefer use it to build a garden or a for children?Response: speaking, I will choose to build a for children for the following reasons. First, the can provide a space for children to do sports to keep a good and healthy physical condition. So they will be unlikely to get ill or be affected by diseases, but on their study for a long period of time. A good body can help improve their work .Also, they should not spend all their time on studies; long time work will be harmful to their physical health. Therefore, they need to do some sports to stretch their arms and legs, boost their energy and refresh their mind. After coming back, they will be able to focus better.所以從上面兩個例題的答題內(nèi)容來看,即使題目問法不盡相同,但是我們卻可以用sports 的意義或者好處去破解這兩個題目,這樣的萬能思路可以幫助大家快速解題,同時也可以在備考過程中盡可能幫助大家去積累語料素材,所以同學們學會了嗎?歡迎關注本小超,收看后續(xù)更新,帶你搞定口語!


學員評價ASK list

  • 馬**評價:這次備考,選擇了這家的雅思培訓,課程體系很晚張,老師授課水平很棒,知識點講解細致,在考前還有沖刺模擬考試,切實的幫助我們提高成績!
    手機號碼: 155****8456   評價時間: 2024-09-21
  • 顏**評價:雅思個性化定制服務,老師也負責,比我學的早的同學都考出了滿意的成就,我下個月也報名了,信心十足。
    手機號碼: 144****1976   評價時間: 2024-09-21
  • 蔣**評價:培訓中心的老師很有耐心,我的英語能很差,但是老師一點都不嫌棄我,特別有耐心!
    手機號碼: 158****3807   評價時間: 2024-09-21
  • 未**評價:我之前在這里就有上過雅思課,老師們教的東西都是對考試提升幫助很大的,所以現(xiàn)在的GRE學習我還是選擇了朗閣,對于這里的老師我是比較信賴的,也相信,老師們和我的努力下,成績應該會很好的。
    手機號碼: 178****1416   評價時間: 2024-09-21
  • 劉**評價:專業(yè)老師上課,所有的課程都很棒,全面改善英語成績。
    手機號碼: 130****8645   評價時間: 2024-09-21
  • 黃**評價:新東方托福培訓課程值得推薦,此次報名該課程,我的成績有了不少提升,這次口語考試拿到了滿分的好成績,多虧老師會組織一對一口語對練,幫助我們修改稿子!值得推薦!
    手機號碼: 152****1796   評價時間: 2024-09-21
  • 朗**評價:很喜歡深圳新東方的雅思預備課程,當時是在羅湖書城校區(qū)學習的,學習氛圍特別好,課程一般都是小班化教學,老師也會在課前定制詳細的教學指導方案,幫助我們實現(xiàn)高效成長,歡迎大家報名學習!
    手機號碼: 157****9071   評價時間: 2024-09-21

本文由 出國語言培訓 整理發(fā)布。更多培訓課程,學習資訊,課程優(yōu)惠,課程開班,學校地址等學校信息,可以留下你的聯(lián)系方式,讓課程老師跟你詳細解答:
