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全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 口語toefl,TOEFL口語是不是語速越快越好?


日期:2021-07-12 09:22:16     瀏覽:195    來源:出國語言培訓(xùn)



以下是我抄的筆記,希望有用。6個題的。 task 1 *句:觀點表達句+比較級 Well as far as I am concerned XX that I graduate from is of great important to me. First and foremost, XX is the very location where I made a lot of friends who had the same hobby with me. We used to play computer games together, and usually at night we discussed computer problems including flash making and . Besides, the is also the heaven of my learning and education. To tell the truth, I really learned a lot about my major from amazing mentors. And I won’t forget the academic library where I read hundreds of books (about all field like and arts) trying to get the true meaning of life. task 2 *句:觀點表達句+比較級 speaking, in such a dilemma to get on a certain area is a wiser choice for our students. For one thing, we all have to find a job to support our life, and a job like lawyer and doctor will help achieve our goal. To do so, we need to major a certain field, the deeper the better. Another thing is, time is always limited, and everybody needs a break from time to time. However, studying broadly may occupy most our time which should be devoted into more important things like making friend and being with our families. So I strongly believe that to get the on a certain area is a wiser choice for our students. task 3 What + why<1>/<2> Well, the notice informs that the bus service is to end up. But the man believes that it is not wise to do so for some reasons. For one thing, he thinks that the detoured route is for the low riding rate. And it is better to change the route of the bus not to demolish it. Besides, he also disagrees with the ’s budget for adding more parking lots. Simply because that will only encourage more students to drive to school which will result in more traffic and noise. task 4 Well, the principle of social audience is that people acted faster, when they knew that they were observed by others than the other group that didn’t know. According to the professor, in the case of tying shoes people acted faster, when they knew that they were observed by others than the other group that didn’t know. Besides, the professor also makes the point that the same result takes place in the case of learning to type. People who are ware of being watched learn quicker, and at the mean time make more mistakes than those do without other’s . 5 客觀題:A: Problem(問題描述要完整) B: M、W’s (有且只有兩點,客觀)(筆記下why但不用說) 主觀題 C: Your idea 二選一 D:: Your idea. 3題/5題范圍: Bookstore, housing office, residence facility, library, food service areas, personal interests, class schedules and , dormitory life, rules and . Well, the woman has a problem deciding to do a to help with a museum or to go on a field trip organized by her professor. The professor suggests that she could talk to her professor ask to find a for her to help setting up the museum . Besides, she could also choose to finish setting up the before the field since it doesn’t start until later in the week. I think … the women should choose. 完整版: Well, the man’s problem is that he is unable to write his paper though he got started early gathering that he needed. The woman suggests that he should try to write whatever comes into his mind. Besides, he should outline his paper first. As far as I am concerned, the man could try outlining his paper first. For one thing, an outline is the best way of one’s thought when you have much more material than you could handle. Another thing is making an outline is more than just writing whatever you think simply because students may waste a lot time writing stuffing that is not indeed necessary. However, working on an outline will directly to the paper. task 6 聽力思路:先定義/描述舉例 According to the professor there are two types of of money, a broad one and a narrower one. Under the broad , the professor explains, money is anything that you could use to pay for other things, like coins, bills, and barter. For example, if you take a cab, you could even exchange your for a ride. On the other hand, as for the narrower , money is anything that must be accepted as payment. Let’s take the coins and bills in the U.S for instance, they are the legal tender. That is to say, a cab driver must accept bill and coins as payment.








在TOEFL線下百分班中,每次晚間的1對1口語輔導(dǎo)之后,同學(xué)們才會意識到:“我這個單詞發(fā)音又又又錯了”“原來我讀的A,在考官聽起來是A貨”TOEFL口語想拿Good,除了要保證流暢度(fluency)和內(nèi)容完整性(),還要確??脊倌苈牰覀兊目谡Z表達()。那如何才能讓我們的表達盡可能清晰(clear)?自己跟讀練對于基礎(chǔ)薄弱,中式發(fā)音嚴重的同學(xué),跟讀是一個不錯的方法。本質(zhì)上,跟讀就是模仿native speaker說話的過程;而一切語言的學(xué)習(xí),都始于模仿。但同學(xué)們在自己做跟讀練習(xí)的時候會遇到很多問題: 1. 在做跟讀時跟不上連讀,找不到連讀位置在TOEFL線下百分班1對1輔導(dǎo)過程中,有同學(xué)向我反映了這樣一個問題:在跟讀TPO聽力時,有些句子感覺一下就帶過去了,無法聽清每個音節(jié),造成跟讀困難。比如:And you probably notice that there’s an abstract or summary at the top of the first page of the article you copied.2. 意識不到自己的發(fā)音偏差同學(xué)們在跟讀的時候,有些發(fā)音的嘴型很難模仿到位,發(fā)音還是會有偏差。而在備考時間有限的情況下,如果意識不到自己正在偏離航向,那無疑是浪費時間。因此,跟讀要有人幫忙糾正才會發(fā)揮*效果。幫你糾正的人可以是同學(xué),前提是他的水平要高于你。但這樣的互助關(guān)系可能會因為兩人不同的schedule而導(dǎo)致有始無終,并不是長久之計。?外教陪你練找外教1對1陪練也是一個高效的辦法,因為外教可以創(chuàng)造出沉浸式英語語言環(huán)境。但所有人都知道,請外教是一個比較“燒錢”的事,所以對于家里沒有礦的同學(xué)們來說,這并不現(xiàn)實。而且有些同學(xué)會擔(dān)心外教不了解學(xué)生情況,無法對癥下藥。畢竟不是每個外教都像我們的外教Peter一樣同時精通中文和英文。那,難道就沒有解決方案了嗎?其實,你還有更高效和劃算的選擇:4月25日線上獨立口語刷題班 + 5月1日的托福線下百分班在這兩門課上,耿琛老師除了講解托??谡Z答題技巧之外,還會帶著同學(xué)糾音和陪伴刷題。TOEFL口語*效備考的幾個小時,就在這里。報名以上課程請移步微臣公眾號(微臣留美)哈~


學(xué)員評價ASK list

  • 無**評價:離我學(xué)校還挺近,所以周六日都去這里上課,很方便。雅思6.5分是我的目標(biāo),現(xiàn)在學(xué)了一個月的時間,由此模考已經(jīng)考到了6分,是真的不錯。
    手機號碼: 133****2677   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 江**評價:我之前托福聽力成績很差,每次都是因為聽力拖后腿,但是在新東方報名了專業(yè)的托福直通車課程之后,專業(yè)的教學(xué)老師為大家量身教學(xué),經(jīng)過一段時間的學(xué)習(xí)之后,現(xiàn)在聽力的成績也得到了不小的提升。
    手機號碼: 156****4604   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 未**評價:夢想總是和現(xiàn)實有差距,在決定報考托福的時候內(nèi)心滿滿期待,但是也是沒有很多準備,還好之前有報新東方的課程,能夠更順利的實現(xiàn)學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo),期待著接下來可以更順利的應(yīng)考。
    手機號碼: 132****3887   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 黃**評價:和朋友一起報了雅思班,我倆的基礎(chǔ)不一樣,老師制定的學(xué)習(xí)方案也不一樣,課程體系很全面,從預(yù)習(xí)到檢測,我能看到自己成績的變化。
    手機號碼: 184****8871   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 王**評價:快畢業(yè)了琢磨著去英國留學(xué)繼續(xù)學(xué)商科,后來了解到咱們這邊有做GMAT還是相當(dāng)不錯的,是當(dāng)?shù)嘏诺纳厦暮脵C構(gòu)。學(xué)費也合理,老師講的細,我自己備考好多不懂得問題,老師一句話點破了。
    手機號碼: 188****8080   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 蔣**評價:培訓(xùn)中心的老師很有耐心,我的英語能很差,但是老師一點都不嫌棄我,特別有耐心!
    手機號碼: 158****3807   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 李**評價:我在這里學(xué)習(xí)雅思有一段時間了,在這里也實現(xiàn)了我們的夢想。然后我想要突破自己,就在這里繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)了。老師都很熱情,對待我們很有耐心,上課的氛圍也很好,這也是我取得進步的主要的原因。
    手機號碼: 133****5379   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 沈**評價:這里的雅思跟托福課程很全面,我和同學(xué)一起來報的,她報的雅思我報的Sat課程,課堂氛圍很輕松,講解的知識點也挺容易吸收的。
    手機號碼: 136****4023   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 吳**評價:托福零基礎(chǔ),報名了培訓(xùn)中心的托福預(yù)備課程。學(xué)校的服務(wù)真的很好,不僅會有老師定制教學(xué)、全程跟蹤效果,還會有??紮C房進行實戰(zhàn)演練。
    手機號碼: 184****1575   評價時間: 2024-11-11
  • 黃**評價:新東方托福培訓(xùn)課程值得推薦,此次報名該課程,我的成績有了不少提升,這次口語考試拿到了滿分的好成績,多虧老師會組織一對一口語對練,幫助我們修改稿子!值得推薦!
    手機號碼: 152****1796   評價時間: 2024-11-11

本文由 出國語言培訓(xùn) 整理發(fā)布。更多培訓(xùn)課程,學(xué)習(xí)資訊,課程優(yōu)惠,課程開班,學(xué)校地址等學(xué)校信息,可以留下你的聯(lián)系方式,讓課程老師跟你詳細解答:
