

全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習(xí)專線 9:00-21:00

位置:語言培訓(xùn)資訊 > 英語培訓(xùn)資訊 > 天河區(qū)英語口語2級


日期:2016-11-07 11:44:03     瀏覽:56    




Unit 1. A time to remember 回憶過去時光
1. Talking about yourself 談?wù)勛约?br /> 2. Exchanging personal information 交換各自的信息
3. emembering your childhood 回憶你的童年
4. Asking about someone’s childhood 詢問某人的童年

Unit 2. Caught in the rush 交通高峰時期
5. Talking about transportation and transportation problems 討論交通及交通問題
6. Evaluating city services 評估城市的服務(wù)
7. Asking for and giving information 詢問給予信息

Unit 3. Time for a change! 是時候改變了!
8. Describing positive and negative features 描述下面和負(fù)面的特征
9. Making comparisons做比較
10. Talking about lifestyle changes 談?wù)撋罘绞降母淖?br /> 11. Expressing wishes 表達(dá)愿望

Unit 4. I’ve never heard of that! 我從未聽說過!
12. Talking about food 談?wù)撌澄?br /> 13. Expressing likes and dislikes 表達(dá)喜歡和不喜歡
14. Describing a favorite snack 描述*的小吃
15. Giving instructions 給出指導(dǎo)

Unit 5. Going places 去一個地方
16. Describing vacation plans 描述度假的計(jì)劃
17. Giving travel advice 給出一些旅游的建議
18. Planning a vacation 計(jì)劃一次假期

Unit 6. Sure. No problem! 沒問題!
19. Making requests 提出要求
20. Accepting and refusing requests 接受和拒絕要求
21. Complaining and apologizing 抱怨和道歉

Unit 7. What’s this for? 這是做什么用的?
22. Describing technology 描述技術(shù)
23. Giving instructions 給出指示
24. Giving advice 給點(diǎn)建議

Unit 8. Let’s celebrate! 我們來慶祝吧!
25. Describing holidays, festivals, customs, and special events描述一下假日,節(jié)日,風(fēng)俗習(xí)慣及特殊的事件

Unit 9. Back to the future 回到未來
26. Talking about change 談?wù)劯淖?br /> 27. Comparing time periods 比較一下時間段
28. Describing possibilities 描述可能性

Unit 10. I don’t like working on weekends! 我討厭在周末工作!
29. Describing abilities and skills 描述才能與技巧
30. Talking about job preferences 談?wù)剬ぷ鞯倪x擇

31. Describing personality traits 描述人物的性格

Unit 11. It’s really worth seeing! 很值得一看
32. Talking about landmarks and monuments 談?wù)動袠?biāo)志性的建筑物和紀(jì)念碑
33. Describing countries 描述一個*
34. Discussing facts 討論事實(shí)

Unit 12. It’s been a long time! 已經(jīng)過了很長的一段時間!
35. Asking about someone’s past 詢問某人的過去
36. Describing recent experiences 描述近期的經(jīng)歷

Unit 13. A terrific book, but a terrible movie! 一本很棒的書,一部糟糕的電影
37. Describing movies and books 描述一些電影和書籍
38. Talking about actors and actresses 談?wù)撃信鹘?br /> 39. Asking for and giving reactions and opinions 給出建議與評價

Unit 14. So that’s what it means! 這就是它的意思!
40. Interpreting body language 解說肢體語言
41. Explaining gestures and meanings 解釋手勢及含義
42. Describing emotions 描述情緒
43. Explaining proverbs 解說諺語
44. Asking about signs and meanings 尋問標(biāo)志和含義

Unit 15. What would you do? 你想做什么?
45. Speculating about past and future events 推測過去和將來的事件
46. Describing a predicament 描述困境
47. Giving advice and suggestions 提出忠告和建議

Unit 16. What’s your excuse? 你的理由是什么?
48. Reporting what people say 報道人們在說些什么
49. Making requests 提出要求
50. Making invitations and excuses 發(fā)出邀請和說出理由

愿達(dá)課程咨詢:02038288175 QQ1016400630
