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位置:英語提升培訓(xùn)問答 > 英語詞匯培訓(xùn)問答 > 英語七選五解題方法,你不知道的小技巧小策略(建議收藏)


日期:2024-09-21     瀏覽:42    來源:培訓(xùn)行業(yè)教育咨詢中心







連接是指用連接詞或連接語表明上下文之間的邏輯關(guān)系,如and, however。

指稱是指用代詞替代前文已出現(xiàn)的人物、事件、物品等,如he, she, they。


詞語重現(xiàn)是指詞語的重復(fù)出現(xiàn),但這里不是指詞語的簡單重現(xiàn),而是指某一詞語可能以不同詞性、數(shù)、格、時態(tài)等形式出現(xiàn),如read, reading, reader, readers;還可能是以同義詞、近義詞甚至反義詞等形式出現(xiàn)。


(1) 注意代詞。代詞是用來指代名詞或句子的。做題時,一定要注意句中出現(xiàn)的人稱代詞或指示代詞,通過代詞在句中所作的成分推斷出它指代的成分的類型,進而從選項中找到答案。

(2) 注意特殊疑問詞。如果選項中或設(shè)空處前出現(xiàn)特殊疑問詞,一定要把這句話仔細讀幾遍,因為針對不同特殊疑問詞的回答方式是不一樣的。比如對why的回答,要有because等表示原因的詞;對when的回答,要有表示時間的狀語;對where的回答,要有表示地點的狀語;對how的回答,要有表示方式或程度的狀語等。


①因果關(guān)系:so, therefore, thus, hence, accordingly, consequently, as a result等;

②并列關(guān)系:first, second, third…; firstly, secondly, thirdly…; first, next,then…; in the first place, in the second place,…; for one thing, for another… 等;

③轉(zhuǎn)折關(guān)系:but, however, nevertheless, nonetheless, instead, though, yet, on the contrary, by contrast, conversely, otherwise等;

④遞進關(guān)系:also, further, furthermore, moreover, in addition, what’s more, not only… but also…等。






The way individuals collectively remember, forget, and recall event, people, places, etc, has been an important topic of research on collective memory. ____1____ He developed the concept of collective memory, arguing that individual memories are only understood within the context of a group through time and space. In all cases, most research on memory studies relies on long procedures ____2____ They include theoretical concepts, the study of historical sources, oral histories, case studies, interviews, and surveys. For example, one group of researchers carried out several interviews to investigate younger and older American adults for three wars, namely, the Civil War, World War Ⅱ, and the Iraq War. ____3___ Both younger and older adults recalled the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki; however, they differed in how they rated the bombings.

More recently, memory study scholars tend to stress the significance of the media in shaping collective memories: "Culture and individuals’ memory are constantly produced through the technologies of memory." Under this perspective, research often involves content analysis of news and the use of surveys or interviews for analyzing the public memory. ____4____

However, developments in digital technologies in recent years have significantly influenced how we keep track of events both as individuals and as a collective. "The Internet doesn’t forget." The Internet has had strong impacts on memory and the processes of remembering and forgetting. ____5____ Analyzing different Web documents, researchers have shown that more recent past events are remembered more vividly in the present.

A. Research on collective memory is often based on various aspects.

B. There are a few simple things a person can do to help improve their memory.

C. Maurice Halbwachs is recognized as the father of collective memory research.

D. Although all Americans recalled similar events,the interpretation changed over the generations.

E. Also,scholars have studied the role of journalists as collective memory agents by analyzing their stories.

F. Recently developed information technologies have affected how we create,store and recall information.

G. Meanwhile,it has transformed collective memory into an observable phenomenon that can be tracked and measured online.


1:段中句;考空格前后句聯(lián)系;空格后句He developed the concept of collective memory中的代詞he可以作為突破點解題.

2:段中句;考空格前后句聯(lián)系;空格后句They include theoretical concepts中的代詞they可以作為突破點解題.

3:段中句;考空格前后句聯(lián)系;根據(jù)前文的for example得出該空得是細節(jié)內(nèi)容。細節(jié)句選項




1.后文中出現(xiàn)代詞he指代前一句出現(xiàn)的人物,由此判斷應(yīng)該會出現(xiàn)研究集體記憶的重要人物。只有C項有人名,句意為"人們認為Maurice Halbwachs是集體記憶研究之父"。故選C項。

2.后文中出現(xiàn)代詞they指代前一句出現(xiàn)的復(fù)數(shù)名詞。A項意為"關(guān)于集體記憶的研究經(jīng)常會基于很多方面展開。"They include theoretical concepts, the study of historical sources, oral histories, case studies, interviews, and surveys.這一句話是對A項中various aspects的展開陳述。且A項中various aspects又呼應(yīng)了空格上一句的long procedures。故選A項。

3.空格前一句話說開展采訪來研究年青一代和老一代美國人對三次戰(zhàn)爭的看法。那空格處應(yīng)涉及研究結(jié)果,空格后一句又是對D項的具體例子說明。Both younger and older adults recalled the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki具體對應(yīng)"所有的美國人都會回憶起相似的事件",however, they differed in how they rated the bombings對應(yīng)說明了"但是每個年代的人對這些事情的解讀是不一樣的"。D項切題。故選D項。


5.本段在講數(shù)碼技術(shù)尤其是網(wǎng)絡(luò)在我們記錄事件過程中發(fā)揮的作用空格處應(yīng)該承接上句繼續(xù)講述網(wǎng)絡(luò)在我們記憶中扮演的角色。G項意為"同時,它把共同記憶轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐环N可以觀察的現(xiàn)象。通過網(wǎng)絡(luò),這種共同記憶可以被查詢和被人評價"。it指代the Internet,online呼應(yīng)本段主題。


Passage A

Cayce Zavaglia is an artist with a unique transformation to her work.____1____Painting with tiny needles is not as fast as painting with a brush.____2____It takes two months-nearly 200 hours to complete a portrait.

____3____once she decides, she invites that person to her studio and takes hundreds of photographs. She studies the way the light falls across the person's face. After many hours of studying the photos, she chooses the perfect one for her portrait. Next, she enlarges the photo on a canvas(畫布). Then, she matches the colors in the photo and the stitching begins.

Cayce starts with the hair and forehead, then moves on to the shoulders and clothing, and finally the face. The human face is what she most enjoys creating in her art.____4____In a portrait of her baby daughter, the skin appears soft and smooth. In a portrait of her dad, the stitches show a wrinkled and aging face.

Cayce believes her success depends on three things: her choice of colors, the length and direction of the stitches, and her ability to make the portrait look true. She loves the surprise when people view her art. From a distance, people believe the portraits are painted.____5____

A. She makes sure the person looks straight into her.

B. The biggest challenge is making the skin look real.

C. Instead of painting with a brush, she sews with a needle.

D. Cayce's first step is deciding who will be in the portrait.

E. She loves creating portraits of her family and close friends.

F. It requires a lot of patience, for you often have to rethread your needle.

G. But when they take a closer look, they see the portrait has been embroidered.


1. 根據(jù)上文"Cayce Zavaglia is an artist with a unique transformation to her work.(Cayce Zavaglia是一位藝術(shù)家,她的作品有著獨特的變化)"和下文"Painting with tiny needles is not as fast as painting with a brush(用細針作畫不如用刷子作畫快) "可知,上文提到了Cayce Zavaglia作畫的改變,下文則說用針作畫比較慢。由此可知,Cayce Zavaglia的改變是用針作畫。C項"她不是用刷子畫畫,而是用針"符合文意,needle是關(guān)鍵詞。故選C。

2. 根據(jù)上文"Painting with tiny needles is not as fast as painting with a brush(用細針作畫不如用刷子作畫快)"和下文"It takes two months-nearly 200 hours to complete a portrait.(完成一幅肖像畫需要兩個月——近200個小時) "可知,用針作畫需要花大量時間。由此推知,空處承接上文,解釋為什么用針作畫很慢。F項"這需要很大的耐心,因為你經(jīng)常要重新穿針"符合文意,下文是對空處內(nèi)容的進一步說明。故選F。

3. 根據(jù)下文"once she decides,she invites that person to her studio and takes hundreds of photographs.(一旦她決定了,她會邀請那個人到她的工作室,拍上數(shù)百張照片)"結(jié)合倒數(shù)一二段提到的作畫步驟推知,設(shè)空處應(yīng)陳述Cayce作畫的*步——決定畫誰。D項"Cayce的*步是決定誰將出現(xiàn)在畫像中 "符合文意,選項中的deciding呼應(yīng)下文的decides。故選D。

4. 根據(jù)上文"Cayce starts with the hair and forehead, then moves on to the shoulders and clothing, and finally the face. The human face is what she most enjoys creating in her art.(Cayce從頭發(fā)和前額開始,然后是肩膀和衣服,*后是臉。在她的藝術(shù)中,人的臉是她*喜歡創(chuàng)造的) "和下文"In a portrait of her baby daughter, the skin appears soft and smooth. In a portrait of her dad, the stitches show a wrinkled and aging face.(在她的小女兒的肖像中,皮膚顯得柔軟光滑。在她父親的肖像中,縫線顯示出皺紋和衰老的臉)"可知,上文提到了Cayce創(chuàng)作的部位,下文則提到不同的肖像皮膚有不同的表現(xiàn)形式。由此推知,空處應(yīng)陳述皮膚在創(chuàng)作中具有挑戰(zhàn)性。B項 "*大的挑戰(zhàn)是讓皮膚看起來真實"符合文意,skin是關(guān)鍵詞,下文是對空處內(nèi)容的舉例說明。故選B。

20. 根據(jù)上文"From a distance, people believe the portraits are painted.(從遠處看,人們認為畫像是畫的)"可知,上文描述了人們從遠處看畫的感覺,由此推知,空處承接上文,描述人們從近處看畫的感覺。G項"但是當他們仔細看的時候,他們看到畫像是繡出來的"符合文意,選項中的closer對應(yīng)上文的from a distance,且they指代上文的people。故選G。

Passage B

How to be a great conversationalist

Although I think there is much for me to learn in the area of communication, I’ve been told by my friends that I’m a great person to speak to. 1. In fact, I don’t think there are any "tricks" you have to use to be a great conversationalist. Below are some rules I apply in all my conversations:

Focus on the positives. Go for the positive topics. Instead of talking about past sadness, choose a discussion of future goals. 2. Less complaining, more solutions. Less judging, more understanding. Doing more of the latter (后者) will make you a more enjoyable person to speak to.

Respect others. Respect other people’s point of view. 3. Respect other people’s privacy. Respect other people’s personal choices; don’t criticize or judge. Remember, everyone has his right to be himself, just as you have the right to be yourself.

4. Your best asset (財富) is your true personality. Value it and let it shine. Don’t cover it up. It’ll be pretty boring if you just repeat the other person’s words during a conversation. Be ready to share your real thoughts and opinions and let others know the real you.

50-50 sharing. I always think that a great conversation should be made up of equal sharing by both the people involved in it. 5. But in general, both should have equal opportunities to share and contribute to the conversation.

A.Be true to yourself.

B.Be truly interested in the person.

C.It’s fine to express your opinion, but don’t force them to accept it.

D.During your conversations, always take a forward-thinking attitude.

E. There’s no need to have a conclusion or agreement in every discussion.

F. Sometimes it may be 40-60 or 60-40 depending on the circumstances.

G. It seems that I have a talent for having conversations go on without boring others.



1.根據(jù)上文"Although I think there is much for me to learn in the area of communication, I’ve been told by my friends that I’m a great person to speak to. (雖然我認為在交流方面我還有很多需要學(xué)習(xí)的地方,但我的朋友告訴我,我是一個非常適合交談的人)"可知,此處內(nèi)容與作者講述自己具有交談的天賦有關(guān),選項G"It seems that I have a talent for having conversations go on without boring others. (我似乎有一種天賦,能讓談話繼續(xù)下去而不讓別人感到厭煩)"符合題意。故選G。

2.根據(jù)本段小標題"Focus on the positives. (關(guān)注積極的方面)",上文"Instead of talking about past sadness, choose a discussion of future goals. (與其談?wù)撨^去的悲傷,不如談?wù)撐磥淼哪繕?"和下文"Less complaining, more solutions. (少抱怨,多解決)"可知,此處內(nèi)容與談話時要保持積極的態(tài)度有關(guān),選項D"During your conversations, always take a forward-thinking attitude. (在你的談話中,要始終保持一種向前看的態(tài)度)"符合題意。故選D。

3.根據(jù)上文"Respect other people’s point of view. (尊重他人的觀點)"和下文"Respect other people’s privacy. (尊重他人的隱私)"可知,此處內(nèi)容與要尊重他人,不要強迫他人接受你的觀點有關(guān),選項C"It’s fine to express your opinion, but don’t force them to accept it. (表達你的觀點很好,但不要強迫他們接受)"符合題意。故選C。

4.此處是本段的小標題,具有概括性,根據(jù)下文"Your best asset (財富) is your true personality. Value it and let it shine. Don’t cover it up. (你*好的資產(chǎn)是你真實的個性。珍惜它,讓它發(fā)光。別把它蓋起來)"可知,此處內(nèi)容與做真實的自己有關(guān),選項A"Be true to yourself. (做真實的自己)"符合題意。故選A。

5.根據(jù)上文"I always think that a great conversation should be made up of equal sharing by both the people involved in it. (我一直認為,一場偉大的對話應(yīng)該由參與其中的雙方平等分享組成)"可知,此處內(nèi)容與談話雙方參與對話的比例有關(guān),選項F"Sometimes it may be 40-60 or 60-40 depending on the circumstances. (有時可能是40-60或60-40,視情況而定)"符合題意。故選F。

Passage C

The term "organizational culture" refers to the norms and values of an organization, which together make the personality of the company. 1.They govern the way employees interact with each other within the workplace. Therefore, improving organizational culture is the need of the hour. When it comes to improving organizational culture, the following ways are worth trying.

2. When your employees know how to do things the right way and what the company expects from them, the rates of conflicts and errors can be brought down significantly. In addition, through the right training your employees will become enthusiastic and be interested in working as a team and improving the work atmosphere as a whole.

Another good way is to analyze the existing culture and compare it with the expectations of your employees. Organize discussions with your team members and talk about matters related to the current culture of the organization.3.

Conflicts are an unavoidable part of any organization and have direct bearing on the health of its culture.4. Therefore, when conflicts do arise, the management must settle them quickly, in case they become worse over time. If employees feel they are all being treated equally, they are more likely to accept their mistakes and the judgment of the management.

Since the organization is a collection of people, cooperation matters to attain the objectives. 5.It may involve fun activities, like sports, games or serious ones. In the end, such exercises will strengthen the team spirit and the employees’ loyalty towards the organization, because cooperative teamwork proves a healthy organizational climate.

A.Then bring changes accordingly.

B.Team building is vital in this respect.

C.Thus a productive environment will be created.

D.How they are handled is an indicator of the common organizational culture.

E. These values and norms are shared by people working throughout the organization.

F. The management must show the willingness or intention to involve employees in this process.

G. Training your employees in the right way is an important step towards a better organizational culture .



1.根據(jù)上文"The term "organizational culture" refers to the norms and values of an organization, which together make the personality of the company.("組織文化"一詞是指組織的規(guī)范和價值觀,它們共同構(gòu)成了公司的人格)"以及后文"They govern the way employees interact with each other within the workplace. Therefore, improving organizational culture is the need of the hour. When it comes to improving organizational culture, the following ways are worth trying.(它們支配著員工在工作場所相互交流的方式。因此,改善組織文化是當務(wù)之急。說到改善組織文化,以下方法值得一試)"可知,上文提到了"組織文化"是組織的規(guī)范和價值觀,共同構(gòu)成了公司的人格,后文提到了這些規(guī)范和價值觀的作用,可知本句是在說明這些價值觀和規(guī)范是組織中的人們所共有的,E選項中These values and norms對應(yīng)上文中the norms and values。故E選項"這些價值觀和規(guī)范是在整個組織中工作的人們所共有的"符合語境,故選E。

2.根據(jù)后文"When your employees know how to do things the right way and what the company expects from them, the rates of conflicts and errors can be brought down significantly. In addition, through the right training your employees will become enthusiastic and be interested in working as a team and improving the work atmosphere as a whole.(當你的員工知道如何以正確的方式做事以及公司對他們的期望時,沖突和錯誤的發(fā)生率就會顯著降低。此外,通過正確的培訓(xùn),你的員工將變得熱情,有興趣作為一個團隊工作,并改善整個工作氛圍)"可知,本段的主旨是正確的培訓(xùn)有助于改善工作氛圍,G選項中Training your employees對應(yīng)后文中the right training your employees。故G選項"以正確的方式培訓(xùn)員工是邁向更好的組織文化的重要一步"符合語境,故選G。

3.根據(jù)上文"Another good way is to analyze the existing culture and compare it with the expectations of your employees. Organize discussions with your team members and talk about matters related to the current culture of the organization.(另一個好方法是分析現(xiàn)有的文化,并將其與員工的期望進行比較。與你的團隊成員組織討論,討論與組織當前文化相關(guān)的問題)"可知,上文提到了分析現(xiàn)有的文化,并將其與員工的期望進行比較,與你的團隊成員組織討論,討論與組織當前文化相關(guān)的問題,本句為本段*后一句,應(yīng)承接上文說明討論的下一步:做出相應(yīng)的改變。故A選項"然后做出相應(yīng)的改變"符合語境,故選A。

4.根據(jù)上文"Conflicts are an unavoidable part of any organization and have direct bearing on the health of its culture.(沖突是任何組織不可避免的一部分,對其文化的健康有直接影響)"可知,上文提到了沖突對組織文化的影響,可知本句承接上文說明處理這些沖突的重要性,D選項中they對應(yīng)上文中Conflicts。故D選項"如何處理他們是一個共同的組織文化的指標"符合語境,故選D。

5.根據(jù)上文"Since the organization is a collection of people, cooperation matters to attain the objectives.(由于組織是一個人的集合,合作是實現(xiàn)目標的關(guān)鍵)"以及后文"It may involve fun activities, like sports, games or serious ones. In the end, such exercises will strengthen the team spirit and the employees’ loyalty towards the organization, because cooperative teamwork proves a healthy organizational climate.(它可能包括有趣的活動,如運動、游戲或嚴肅的活動。*后,這樣的練習(xí)會增強團隊精神和員工對組織的忠誠度,因為合作的團隊合作證明了健康的組織氛圍)"可知,上文提到了組織需要團隊合作,后文則列舉了一些有趣的活動來進行團隊建設(shè),故B選項"在這方面,團隊建設(shè)至關(guān)重要"符合語境,故選B。

Passage D

How Mobile Technology Has Changed Our Lives Forever

The invention of the mobile phone and mobile technology was incredible. ①________ Here we highlight the most common aspects that technology is changing our lives today.

?Mobile technology has changed how we communicate.

The advancement of technology has made communication unbelievably fast and convenient.

In the past, writing a letter or finding a wired telephone was the best way to communicate remotely with someone. ②________ You can send them a message on social media, text them, have a video chat with them, email them, or call them.

?Mobile technology creates the "Everything" device.

With many functions mobile technology has brought about, there are some products that they have made out of date. Now just one device has replaced the portable(便攜式的) music player, alarm clock, GPS, calculator, camera, flashlight, calendar and many more. ③________

?Mobile technology leads to ever-present distraction.

In many places, it's common to see just about everyone with a mobile phone within arm's reach. In the first two ways listed above, that can be useful. ④________ As mobile technology has become more and more widespread in today's society, research has begun to connect heavy day-to-day use with a number of side effects, the majority of which are related to mental health.

⑤________ We should accept that mobile technology is here to stay and improves our lives for the better in spite of its shortcomings. In my opinion, its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages.

A. We cannot ignore its disadvantages.

B. All in all, mobile devices greatly benefit our lives.

C. However, instant access is not always a good thing.

D. While these things do still exist, they are no longer absolutely essential.

E. Nowadays, you have more efficient options at your fingertips.

F. The conventional way of doing the shopping has also changed beyond imagination.

G. Since then, advances in mobile technology have shaped our lives in various ways.




①根據(jù)空格處上句"The invention of the mobile phone and mobile technology was incredible.(移動電話和移動技術(shù)的發(fā)明是不可思議的。)"和下句"Here we highlight the most common aspects that technology is changing our lives today.(在這里我們重點介紹技術(shù)正在改變我們今天生活的*常見的兒個方面。)"可知,本段主要講述了移動技術(shù)影響了我們的生活。G項"從那時起,移動技術(shù)的進步從各個方面影響了我們的生活。"符合段落主旨,能夠引起下文,選項中的"shaped our lives"和下文的"changing our lives"相呼應(yīng)。故選G。

②根據(jù)主旨句"Mobile technology has changed how we communicate.(移動技術(shù)改變了我們的溝通方式。)"可知,本部分講述的是移動技術(shù)對溝通方式的改變。空前句介紹的是過去的溝通方式。E項"如今,你手頭有了更有效的選擇。"選項中"Nowadays"和上文的"In the past"形成對照關(guān)系,能夠引出下文對現(xiàn)在的溝通方式的舉例。故選E。

③根據(jù)空格處上句"Now just one device has replaced... and many more.(現(xiàn)在只用一種設(shè)備就取代了便攜式音樂播放器、鬧鐘、GPS、計算器、照相機、手電筒、日歷以及更多的東西。)"可知, 由于移動技術(shù)的發(fā)展,現(xiàn)在的一種設(shè)備可以替代多種設(shè)備。D項"雖然這些東西確實仍然存在,但它們不再是*必要的了。"能夠承接上文,選項中的"these things"指代上文提到的"the portable(便攜式的)music player..."。故選D。

④根據(jù)空格處下句"As mobile technology... the majority of which are related to mental health.(隨著移動技術(shù)在當今社會變得越來越普遍,研究已經(jīng)開始將日常大量使用移動技術(shù)與很多副作用聯(lián)系起來,其中大部分副作用與心理健康有關(guān)。)"可知, 本段講述的是移動設(shè)備帶來的副作用。C項"然而,立刻能夠使用并不總是一件好事。"能夠引出下文提到的副作用。選項中"not always a good thing"與下文"a number of side effects"相呼應(yīng)。故選C。

⑤根據(jù)空格處下句"We should accept that mobile technology is here to stay and improves our lives for the better in spite of its shortcomings.(我們應(yīng)該接受盡管移動技術(shù)存在缺點,但它已經(jīng)成為生活中的一部分,并使我們的生活變得更好。)"可知,移動技術(shù)雖然有缺點,但對我們的生活是有利的。B項"總之,移動設(shè)備極大地造福了我們的生活。"符合文章要表達的觀點。故選B。

Passage E

The U. N.'s Millennium Development Goals included the ambition that by 2015 all the world's children would complete primary school. This has largely been achieved: Nine out of ten children are now enrolled. ①_____. Even though most of the world's children go to school, an awful lot of them learn pretty much nothing there. According to a recent World Bank study of seven sub-Saharan African countries, half of nine-year-olds cannot read a simple word and three-quarters cannot read a simple sentence. ②_____. The same study found that only 7% of teachers had the minimum knowledge needed to teach reading and writing effectively. When classrooms were inspected to see whether a teacher was present, half the time the answer was no.

③_____. It seems to bring about bigger improvements in poor countries than in rich ones. Some of the scarce resources being spent on teachers could therefore be better spent on EdTech. That does not mean dumping computers on schools in the hope that children will understand how to use them, a folly on which plenty of money will be wasted. ④_____, that gets things right more often than the teachers do, that adjusts itself to the child's ability, that sends teachers clues about what they are supposed to teaching and that allows the authorities to check on whether the teacher is in the classroom.

Technology is no panacea(靈丹妙藥).Good traditional teachers are not outdated, and are never likely to be. ⑤_____. But EdTech can help greatly—by monitoring pupils and teachers alike, assisting the best teachers and, most importantly, making up for the failings of the worst.

A. The reason is terrible teaching

B. Several recent studies suggest EdTech can help

C. Paying teachers more in the hope of employing better ones is not the answer

D. Regrettably, the figure is not as impressive as it sounds

E. Instead, it means providing schools with software that children can use without any help from an adult

F. Devices can be taken to where there is a connection to upload or download the necessary information

G. And authorities need to hold teacher to account




②根據(jù)世界銀行*近針對撒哈拉以南非洲地區(qū)七個*的一份研究,有一半的九歲孩子連一個簡單的單詞都不會念,四分之三的孩子讀不懂簡單的句子。而空后一句指出, 僅有7%的老師達到有效教讀寫的*低知識要求量。A項承上啟下,符合語境。




Passage F

Five Things You Should Always Do on a Monday

From scheduling a surgery to buying a house, there’s something to be said for the first day of the week.

Schedule a surgery

Researchers already know that the morning is the safest time of day to go under the knife. It’s when hospital staffs are most alert and least likely to make a mistake. 1..The risk of death after undergoing a non-emergency surgery is lowest on Monday.

Fill up your gas tank

If you drove a lot over the weekend and need to fill your tank, wait until Monday morning to hit the gas station.2.. And never fill up on a Tursday — that's when prices are highest. You’re much better off filling up at the beginning of the week.

Gossip with your coworkers

The Monday blues are real, and scientists guess that one reason we get them might date back to our caveman day. 3.. Without gossiping with your co-workers you might feel uncomfortable.

Head to the gym

4.. One report found Monday is the most popular day of the week for gym-goers. And while that might mean you have to wait in line for the best machines, it also means you'll start your week on a healthy footing. We can’t argue with that.


A resarch suggests that we may be more likely to follow through with our professional goals if we start on a Monday rather than a Thursday. The personal goal for the week, such as trying a new exercise, reading a book, or learning a new song on the guitar can provide you motivation during your busy week.

Now that you know what to do on a Monday, you'll be successful.

A.Start a diet

B.Make a priority to-do list

C.If you do, you’ll almost definitely get better deal

D.It’s the perfect opportunity to hit your goals at the gym

E.But don’t worry if your surgeon only has spots on Thursday

F.That same earlier-is-better approach applies to days of the week as well

G.Humans are social animals,and we need feel comfortable in our place in a "tribe"


1.F 2.C 3.G 4.D 5.B


1.根據(jù)上文中的"Researchers already know that the morning is the safest time of day to go under the knife. It’s when hospital staffs are most alert and least likely to make a mistake. (研究人員已經(jīng)知道,早晨是*中*安全的手術(shù)時間。這是醫(yī)院工作人員*警覺、*不可能犯錯誤的時候)"可知,*中較早的時候是*警覺、*不可能犯錯誤的時候。由此可知,F項That same earlier-is-better approach applies to days of the week as well (同樣的"越早越好"的方法也適用于一周中的天數(shù))符合題意,其中earlier-is-better對應(yīng)上文中的the morning。故選F。

2.根據(jù)上文中的"If you drove a lot over the weekend and need to fill your tank, wait until Monday morning to hit the gas station. (如果你周末開了很多車,需要加滿油,那就等到周一早上再去加油站吧)"及下文"And never fill up on a Tursday — that's when prices are highest.(永遠不要在星期四去買,因為那是價格*高的時候)"可知,如果等到周一早上再去加油,你可以節(jié)省一些開支。由此可知,C項If you do, you’ll almost definitely get better deal (如果你這樣做,你幾乎肯定會得到更好的交易)符合題意,其中If you do指的是"wait until Monday morning to hit the gas station"。故選C。

3.根據(jù)本段小標題"Gossip with your coworkers(和同事說閑話)"及上文中的"The Monday blues are real, and scientists guess that one reason we get them might date back to our caveman day.("星期一憂郁癥"是真實存在的,科學(xué)家們猜測,我們產(chǎn)生這種憂郁癥的原因之一可能可以追溯到穴居人時代)"可知,此處在講人們需要進行必要的社交活動。由此可知,G項Humans are social animals,and we need feel comfortable in our place in a "tribe"(人類是社會性動物,我們需要在"部落"中感到舒適)符合題意。故選G。

4.根據(jù)本段小標題"Head to the gym(去健身房)"可知,本段講述去健身房的好處。由此可知,D項It’s the perfect opportunity to hit your goals at the gym (這是在健身房實現(xiàn)目標的*機會)符合題意,其中g(shù)ym是關(guān)鍵詞。故選D。

5.根據(jù)下文中的"A resarch suggests that we may be more likely to follow through with our professional goals if we start on a Monday rather than a Thursday. The personal goal for the week, such as trying a new exercise, reading a book, or learning a new song on the guitar can provide you motivation during your busy week.(一項研究表明,如果我們在周一開始工作,而不是周四,我們更有可能完成我們的職業(yè)目標。每周的個人目標,比如嘗試一種新的運動,閱讀一本書,或者用吉他學(xué)一首新的歌曲,可以給你忙碌的一周提供動力)"可知,本段主要講述的是在一周的開始做一個目標清單。由此可知,B項Make a priority to-do list (列一個優(yōu)先事項清單)符合題意。故選B。


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