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全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:初三輔導培訓問答 > 初三英語輔導培訓問答 > 英語動詞的時態(tài)及用法總結,英語動詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài)的用法


日期:2024-09-21     瀏覽:35    來源:全國培訓行業(yè)最新資訊
核心提示:初高中重點歸納:動詞的時態(tài)和語態(tài),你都掌握了嗎?動詞的時態(tài)1. 動詞的時態(tài)主要有:一般現在時、現在進行時、現在完成時、現在完成



1. 動詞的時態(tài)主要有:


2. 一般將來時的表達方式:

(1)一般將來時表示未來的動作或狀態(tài),常與表示將來的時間狀語,如:tomorrow, next day, soon, in a month, in the future, next Sunday等連用。有時句中無時間狀語,時間關系由上下文暗示;

(2)will do還表示臨時的決定;

(3)在if, unless, before, after, until等引導的條件或時間狀語從句中,從句用一般現在時代替一般將來時,而主句用一般將來時;

(4) "be going to+動詞原形"表示打算、計劃、決定要做的事或有跡象表明即將發(fā)生的動作或狀態(tài);

(5) "be+V-ing形式"表示按計劃、安排即將發(fā)生的動作,這一結構常用于以下動詞,如:come, go, leave, arrive, return, fly, meet, see, do, have, get等;

(6) "be about to+動詞原形"表示打算或安排即將發(fā)生的動作。它一般不與表示時間的副詞或其他時間狀語連用;

(7) "be to+動詞原形"表示按計劃、安排即將發(fā)生的動作;

(8) 一般現在時表示按時刻表或根據規(guī)定將要發(fā)生的動作,這一結構常用于表示位移的動詞,如:come, go, leave, start, begin, take off, set off等。


1. 一般現在時的被動語態(tài):

is/am/are+V-ed。例如:English is widely spoken all over the world.

2. 一般過去時的被動語態(tài):

was/were+V-ed。例如:The underground was built five years ago.

3. 一般將來時的被動語態(tài):

①will/shall be+V-ed。例如:

The decision will be made at the meeting tomorrow.

We shall be punished if we break the rule.

②be going to be+V-ed。例如:The problem is going to be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.

③be to be+V-ed。例如:The sports meet is to be held on April 20.

4. 現在完成時的被動語態(tài):

have/has been +V-ed。例如:Many a house has been built in our city so far.

5. 現在進行時的被動語態(tài):

is/am/are being+V-ed。例如:The stadium is being built in the north of our city at present.

6. 短語動詞在變被動語態(tài)時,因其是一個不可分割的整體,故不可丟掉短語動詞的介詞或副詞。例如:

The nurse took good care of the patients.→The patients were taken good care of by the nurse.

7. 帶有雙賓語的句子的被動語態(tài):帶有雙賓語的句子在變?yōu)楸粍咏Y構時,可以將一個變?yōu)橹髡Z,另一個(多為直接賓語)仍舊保留在謂語后面。例如:

My aunt gave me a bike.

→I was given a bike by my aunt.

→A bike was given to me by my aunt.

8. 帶有復合賓語的句子,變?yōu)楸粍咏Y構時,賓語補足語相應變?yōu)橹髡Z補足語。要注意,主動語態(tài)中作賓語補足語的不帶to的不定式,在變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時要帶to。例如:

(1)The boss made his workers work hard for him every day.→His workers were made to work hard for him every day by the boss.

(2)Everyone calls him Big Brother.→He was called Big Brother by everyone.

(3)I saw him going into the supermarket.→He was seen going into the supermarket.

9. 帶有情態(tài)動詞的句子在變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,可變成:情態(tài)動詞+be/have been+V-ed。例如:

They must like the book very much.→The book must be liked very much by them.

She must have known the truth.→The truth must have been known by her.


1. 系動詞,如:look, sound, sense, smell, feel, appear, remain, stay, keep等不用于被動語態(tài)。

2. 不及物動詞及短語動詞,如:arise, happen, occur, last, take place, break out, belong to, consist of, come about, come out等不用于被動語態(tài)。



1. Robert usually ______________ (go) to school on foot every morning.

2. The train ______________ (leave) at 9:00 a.m, so you needn’t hurry.

3. If my father ______________ (know) the truth, he will get angry.

4. Preparations for the program ______________ (start) a year ago and ______________ (finish) in three months.

5. Smoking ______________ (believe) to cause more than 6 million deaths worldwide each year.

6. My childhood ______________ (make) magical because of the wonderful writer Roald Dahl.

7. The couple ______________ (visit) China next month and they have bought the plane tickets.

8. We ______________ (spend) next weekend in Hainan with the Greens.

9. Up to now, nine miners ______________ (rescue) from the mine by the rescue team.

10. Much of the research ______________ (take place) during the winter, when trees are bare (光禿禿的).


1. goes

2. leaves

3. knows

4. were started; will be finished

5. is believed

6. was made

7. will visit/are visiting

8. will spend/are spending

9. have been rescued

10. takes place


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