

全國統(tǒng)一學習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京研究生考試培訓(xùn)問答 > 北京考研培訓(xùn)問答 > 翻譯碩士考研詞匯精編--考研初試


日期:2019-08-29 16:15:16     瀏覽:558    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
核心提示: 下面小編跟大家一起了解翻譯碩士考研詞匯精編分享,希望對大家的學習的有所幫助。 powerpolitics強權(quán)政治 overseasChinese僑胞 overseasChineseaffairs僑

  下面小編跟大家一起了解翻譯碩士考研詞匯精編分享,希望對大家的學習的有所幫助。   power politics 強權(quán)政治   overseas Chinese 僑胞   overseas Chinese affairs 僑務(wù)工作   industry and courage 勤勞勇敢   seek common ground while shelving differences 求同存異   regional organizations 區(qū)域性組織   tortuous road 曲折的道路   draw upon one another's strong points 取長補短   yield substantial results 取得豐碩成果   score tremendous achievements 取得巨*就   repeal taxes on special agricultural products 取消農(nóng)業(yè)特產(chǎn)稅   all the party members; whole party 全黨   the crystallization of the party's collective wisdom 全黨集體智慧的結(jié)晶   all-dimensional全方位   the Chinese people of all nationalities; people of all ethnic groups of the country *各族人民   deputy to the National People's Congress 代表   the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference *   plenary sessions 全會   build a well-off society in an all-round way; build a moderately prosperous society in all respects 全面建設(shè)小康社會   in full swing 全面展開   divorce between powers and responsibilities 權(quán)責脫節(jié)   the general public 群眾   People's Congresses   the standing committees 會   NPC(National People's Congress) member 代表   the spirit of the congress 精神   put sb. to the best use 人盡其才   a full display of advantages in human resources 人力資源優(yōu)勢得到充分發(fā)揮   material and cultural needs of the people 人民的物質(zhì)文化需要   the people's democratic dictatorship 人民   upgrade the texture of life for the people 人民生活更加殷實   mass organizations 人民團體

翻譯碩士考研詞匯精編    考研初試

  the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC)人民   the trend of popular sentiment 人心向背   personnel exchanges 人員往來   treating each other with all sincerity 肝膽相照   the high degree of unity and solidarity 高度團結(jié)統(tǒng)一   a high degree of autonomy 高度自治   hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping theory 高舉理論偉大旗幟   lofty character 高尚的品格   opera highlights 折子戲

