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全國統(tǒng)一學(xué)習專線 9:00-21:00

位置:北京語言培訓(xùn)問答 > 北京英語培訓(xùn)問答 > 旅行必備英語口語有哪些呢--英語口語,


日期:2019-08-07 14:17:56     瀏覽:499    來源:天才領(lǐng)路者
核心提示: 今天小編幫大家整理了一些出國旅行必備的英語口語表達,希望能對大家有所幫助~ 1 機場篇 >值機 1.DoyouknowwhereIcancheckin? 你知道在哪里可以值機嗎?&

  今天小編幫大家整理了一些出國旅行必備的英語口語表達,希望能對大家有所幫助~   1   機場篇  ?。局禉C   1.Do you know where I can check in?   你知道在哪里可以值機嗎?   2.Can I have a window seat, please?   可以給我一個靠窗的位子嗎?   3.I would like to check in my luggage.   我想要托運行李。   4.May all my luggage be weighed?   我的行李必須全部過磅嗎?   5.I've got three pieces altogether. Are they   overweight?   我一共三件行李超重嗎?   6.Carry this over-weight bag by myself.   這只短途旅行包我自己隨身帶。   7.Can I take this through security?   這個可以通過安檢嗎?   8.Can I check my luggage through to XXX?   行李可以直接托運到XXX嗎?  ?。竞驒C   1.How can I find a trolley?   我怎么才能找到行李推車?   2.Do you know where the Airport lounge is?   你知道機場休息室在哪里嗎?   3.Do you know where the smoking room is?   你知道吸煙室在哪嗎?   4.Where is the restroom?   洗手間在哪?   5.Is my flight on time?   我的航班會準點起飛嗎?   6.How many hours are we behind schedule?   我們延誤了多長時間?   >乘機   1.Where is my seat?   我的座位在哪里?   2.Can I put my baggage here?   我能將手提行李放在這兒嗎?   3.Could you please change my seat?   請問能不能換一下我的座位?   4.May I recline my seat?   我是否可以將座位向后傾?(向后座的乘客說)   5.May I have a blanket/a pillow/a headset/a   pair of slippers?   請給我一條毛毯一個枕頭/一副耳機一雙拖鞋好嗎?   6.Can I get another blanket, please. It's too   cold.   可以再給我一條毛毯嗎?太冷了。   7.What kind of drinks do you have?   機上提供哪些飲料?   8.Will this flight get there on time?   這班班機會準時到達嗎?   9.Could you lend me a pen to fill out this   immigration form?   可以給我一支筆填入境表嗎?   10.Could you tell me how to fill in this form?   請告訴我如何填寫這張表格?   >轉(zhuǎn)機   1.What terminal does my flight leave from?   我應(yīng)該在哪個航站樓轉(zhuǎn)機?   2.Where do I make my connection?   請問要轉(zhuǎn)機的話應(yīng)該怎么走?   3.Which gate should I go to then?   請問需要去幾號登機口?   4.Where can I get my baggage/luggage?   我要在哪里取行李?   5.Have I missed my connection?   我錯過我的轉(zhuǎn)機航班了嗎?   6.How long is my transfer time?   換乘時間有多久?   7.Do I need to go through Immigration for   connection flights?   我在轉(zhuǎn)機時需要重新出境再入境嗎?   2   飲食篇   1.May I order, please?   我可以點餐了嗎?   2.May I have a menu, please?   請給我菜單好嗎?   3.May I see the wine list?   能讓我看看酒單嗎?   4.What is the specialty?   餐廳有什么特色菜嗎?   5.Do you have today's special?   餐廳有今日特餐嗎?   6.Can I have the same dish as that?   我可以點與那份相同的餐嗎?   7.Do you have vegetarian dishes?   餐廳是否有供應(yīng)素食餐?   8.Well done (medium/medium well), please.   牛排全熟(五分熟/七分熟)。   9.Check, please.   麻煩請結(jié)帳。   3   住宿篇   1.I'll arrive late, but please keep my   reservation.   我會晚一點到,請保留所預(yù)訂的房間。   2.Can I have a card with the hotel's address?   能否給我一張有旅館地址的名片?   3.I'd like a room with a nice view (a balcony).   我想要一間視野好(有陽臺)的房間。   4.Is hot water available any time?   隨時都有熱水供應(yīng)嗎?   5.Can I use a credit card here?   這里可以使用信用卡嗎?   6.Could you keep my valuables?   是否代為保管貴重物品?   7.I'd like to check out. My bill, please.   我要退房。請給我?guī)巍?p class='img'>旅行必備英語口語有哪些呢    英語口語,

  4   交通篇   1.Take me to this address please.   請到這個地址。   2.Can you speed up a bit more?   再快一點可以嗎?   3.How much does the meter(taxi meter) read?   計價器上顯示的是多少?   4.I need the receipt.   我需要發(fā)票。   5.Is there any subway nearby?   請問這附近有地鐵嗎?   6.Is this the transfer station for the loop line?   這是去環(huán)線地鐵的換乘站嗎?   7.How long does this train stay at this station?   這列火車在我們這站停留多久?   8.Do I have to change buses?   我需要轉(zhuǎn)車嗎?   5   購物篇   1.Is there a department store around here?   附近哪里有百貨商店?   2.Where is the nearest supermarket from here?   ————近的超市在哪里?   3.Are there any unusual things produced in   this town?   這個鎮(zhèn)有什么特產(chǎn)嗎?   4.Is there a duty-free shop?   這有免稅店嗎?   5.Can you wrap it as a gift?   你能把它作為禮物包裝嗎?   6.Could you give me a little discount?   能打折嗎?   7.Where is the fitting room?   試衣間在哪?   8.Can I buy it tax-free?   我買它能免稅嗎?   9.May I have the form for tax refund?   能給我張退稅表嗎?   6   看病篇   1.I have injured my leg.   我的腿受傷了。   2.My left ankle is swollen.   我的左腳踝腫了。   3.I broke my wrist.   我的手腕骨折了。   4.My hand was scalded with boiling water.   我的手被開水燙仿了。   5.I feel like vomiting and having diarrhea.   我感到既想嘔吐,又想拉肚子。   6.I feel a kind of queasy.   我有點反胃。   7.I'd like some pain killing drugs.   我想買點止痛藥。   8.Could you tell me how to use this medicine?   您能告訴我怎么服用嗎?   9.How many times a day should I take this   medicine?   每天需要吃幾次?   10.Does this drug have any side effects?   這個藥有副作用嗎?

